You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6860

The reason why she tampered with Lin Jianlu was that her adoptive father and mother were becoming more and more bad to her. She was very angry.

It turned out that she could be adopted by the Lin family as an adopted daughter. She thought she was very lucky and happy.

However, by chance, she overheard the conversation between her adoptive parents.

From the conversation between her adoptive parents, she learned the truth that the Lin family adopted her.

The Lin family lied to her that they adopted her because she was smart and sensible. There was only Lin Jianlu at home. They thought Lin Jianlu was too lonely, so they wanted to adopt a girl to accompany Lin Jianlu.

She never dreamed that such a pie would fall on her. She was so lucky to be adopted by such a rich family.

At first, when she first arrived at the Lin family, she was trembling and walking on thin ice for fear that she would be sent back to the orphanage by the Lin family.

She spent several years in the Lin family trembling and became a little servant girl for Lin Jianlu for several years. Suddenly one day, she overheard the conversation between her adoptive father and mother. She knew that the reason why the Lin family said to adopt her was false!

The reason why the Lin family adopted her is that she is a noble person of Lin Jianlu.

As long as she is there, Lin can see the deer safely.

Without her, Lin would be ill and unlucky when he saw the deer.

She was furious when she learned the truth.

At first, how grateful she was to the Lin family for adopting her. How angry she was when she learned the truth!

It is clear that she saved Lin Jianlu and helped Lin Jianlu, but the Lin family concealed the truth and lied to her not to let her know that she is the benefactor of the Lin family and Lin Jianlu!

And she, stupidly grateful to the Lin family for so many years, conscientiously became the little servant girl of Lin Jianlu for several years, for fear of being driven out by the Lin family.

However, the Lin family won't drive her out at all!

The Lin family needs her!

Only when she is here can Baolin see the deer safely.

Only when Lin sees deer can he not be unlucky and sick!

She was so angry that she couldn't help rushing out and pricking the lie of her adoptive father and mother.

What did her adoptive father and adoptive mother say? The words of experts are meaningless. If they are spread, they will be laughed at by others. Let her not mention it again in the future!

She was even more angry.

She is the noble man of Lin Jianlu and the great hero of the Lin family, but the Lin family buried her credit and didn't let her say it to the outside world!

The Lin family adopted her. I don't know how many people say her adoptive parents are kind.

Are they kind?

They clearly use her!

I took advantage of her and didn't appreciate her. I asked her to be a little servant girl for Lin Jianlu in the Lin family.

What good things the Lin family have are from Lin Shen and Lin Jianlu. Every time it's her turn, there's only perfunctory.

She refused!

When she was young, she could only hate in her heart and could do nothing.

When she grew up, she secretly moved on the body of linjian deer.

She found a stone with radiation. As long as she quarreled with Lin Jianlu, she secretly hid the stone under the bed and ran out to live.

When she stayed outside for a few days, Lin would be seriously ill when she saw the deer, and the cause could not be found out.

The Lin family will find her in a hurry and agree to whatever she asks.

Since then, she knew how to handle the Lin family.

With this method, she got a lot of money and good things from the Lin family.

However, money is something that will be spent less and more. As soon as her hand is loose, no matter how much money the Lin family give her, she will soon spend it all., the fastest update of the webnovel!