You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6862

Lin Shen just looked at her coldly and didn't move.

Lin Rao ran to the door, opened the door and rushed out.

A leg stretched out from the side of the door.

She didn't see it. She tripped, staggered a few steps and fell to the ground.

Two bodyguards came forward and twisted her arms with their backhands.


She only had time to shout a word and got a hand blade on the back of her neck.

Her eyes darkened and she fainted.

The bodyguard carried her on his back without saying a word.

Lin Shen slowly came out of the room, stared at Lin Rao who fainted, and exhaled a long breath.

It's finally over.


The clouds open and the moon shines.

He was finally free!

Without a moment's delay, he borrowed Ye Xingli's private plane and brought Lin Rao back to China.

When Lin Rao woke up again, she was already in the inquiry room of the police station.

Lin Rao was almost crazy. "Why am I here? You let me go home! I want to go home!"

The police opened a box that could isolate radiation, gave Lin Rao a look at the stones in the box, and quickly closed the box, "tell me."

"I don't know!" Lin Rao shook her head desperately: "I don't know, I don't know anything! You let me go, I want to go home!"

"It's no use if you don't say it!" the policeman said: "we've found the man who sold you this stone. He confessed. We also extracted your fingerprints on this stone. Be frank and lenient. You can cooperate honestly and strive for leniency. Otherwise, you can't escape the crime of attempted murder. I'm afraid you'll spend the rest of your life in prison!"

"Attempted intentional homicide?" Lin Rao stared in shock: "no! No! I don't want to kill. How can it be attempted intentional homicide? You lied to me!"

"No one deceives you," said the policeman seriously. "If you have been exposed to radioactive stones for a long time, Lin Jianlu is very likely to suffer from incurable diseases. Therefore, you commit the crime of attempted murder."

Lin Rao collapsed: "no, no, it won't be like this..."

Her world collapsed too fast.

It was as if in a flash, she had changed from the assured young lady of the Lin family to a prisoner who had committed the crime of attempted murder!

How many years will you be sentenced for attempted murder?


Twenty years?

Or indefinite?

The more she thought, the more frightened she was, and her whole body was shaking.

I knew so

If she had known this, she would not have forced the Lin family

There's nothing wrong with being a little servant girl for Lin Jianlu. At least you can eat and drink well.

But now

She rolled her eyes and fainted

A day later, Lin Shenshi got the exact news: Lin Rao pleaded guilty and waited for her. It was a fixed-term imprisonment starting from 15 years.

After thanking him calmly, he hung up his cell phone and took a long breath after a long time.

The boulder, which had been pressed on his chest for many years, finally moved away.

From now on, he can say goodbye to the past and enjoy life calmly.


He stayed at home for a few days. After dealing with some important things, he returned to the capital.

His parents, grandmother and sister are all in Beijing.

But I haven't seen him for a few days. His sister looks much better. It can be seen that Yue Yaer's medicine is effective.

The whole family was very happy.

A few days later, Lin Shenshi returned to China with Lin's father and Mrs. tan. Lin's mother stayed in the capital and accompanied Lin Jianlu to recuperate.

Time passed day by day. In the twinkling of an eye, it was almost 100 days for the two little children of the family.

According to master Gu, the hundred day banquet should be well celebrated to celebrate their family care, family harmony and prosperity of their children and grandchildren!, the fastest update of the webnovel!