You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 686

When the walking stick landed, it made a dull sound of "bang". Ye Xingbei's eyes seemed to be covered with blood, and gradually recovered.

Seeing everything in front of her, she came back to herself in a trance Just now, she almost killed Ye Weiyang alive.

Even now, ye Weiyang's face is black and blue, and his mouth and nose are bleeding. It looks very bad.

Gu Junzhu hugged her from behind, rubbed her sore fingers with his fingers, and his thin lips stuck to her ears. "It's OK, ye Xiaobei, I'm here Take a deep breath, it's ok... "

Feeling that ye Xingbei's trembling body gradually recovered, he pulled Ye Xingbei's body, held her in his arms, and kissed her forehead: "darling, I'm here, it's ok..."

The leaf Star North lightly vomited a breath, the trembling arm keeps embracing his waist, burying the face into his chest: "I'm all right..."

Holding Gu Junzhu's body tightly, she was afraid for a while.

She almost killed someone.

Fortunately, he came in time.

Gu Jun always laughs that she is a white lotus. Now she knows that there is a devil in her heart.

Just being stimulated by the bloody rain Nuo, thinking of how their master and servant had been bullied in the Ye family in recent years, new and old grudges poured into her heart, and her mood suddenly became uncontrollable.

It's like someone who's been enduring domestic violence.

Once, twice, three times Again and again to endure, until unbearable, accumulated resentment suddenly broke out, directly cut people with a knife.

Every time she saw such news, she felt sorry for the murderer.

The perpetrator should die, but the victim who kills the perpetrator should also be punished by law.

Fortunately, before she killed Ye Weiyang, Gu Junzhu came.

She held Gu Junzhu tightly, her cheek was buried in his arms, and she didn't want to move.

"Beibei, are you ok?" Ye Bingjun's home is very close to Ye Wuwei's, and ye Xingli and ye Xinglan rush to get the news.

Ye Xingli takes the lead. He doesn't see anyone. His voice comes first.

Ye Bingjun, who was pressed by his bodyguard to sit on the sofa, saw that ye Xingli rushed into the living room and roared angrily: "Xiao Li, have a look, have a look, what does it look like? Our family sat in their own home to eat, but ye Xingbei smashed the house like this, and Weiyang Why don't you call a doctor for wayan! "

Ye Xinglan followed Ye Xing and walked into the living room, just listening to ye Bingjun's roar.

He frowned and asked Gu Junzhu, "brother five, what's the matter?"

Gu Jun stroked Ye Xingbei's back and glanced at him: "your Ye family are so promising. They robbed Yu Nuo for the breakfast he bought for Xiao Shumiao in public, and beat him seriously. Beibei was angry, but he came to avenge Yu Nuo alone. Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise Beibei would not be bullied by you."

Ye Bingjun almost turned his back.

This is the famous Gu Wu ye?

How can he be so cheeky and lie!

From the beginning to the end, their family was the one who was beaten by pressure. Before they recovered, the dining table was smashed and his grandson was knocked to the ground.

He just called the bodyguard, the person that protects leaf Star North rushed in like a wolf.

Before they could even fight back, they were all held down and unable to move.

They bully Ye Xingbei?

How can he say it!

Ye Xinglan looks very cold. Looking at ye Bingjun, he tells Ye Xingli: "Xiao Li, call my grandfather and ask him to come over." , the fastest update of the webnovel!