You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 687

His grandfather is Ye Mingquan, the father of his mother Ye Zhitong.

According to the blood relationship, it's actually his grandfather, but because his father is a member of the family, he calls his grandfather grandfather according to the custom of country y.

Ye Bingjun was puffing and wheezing. His nose was not his eyes. He said, "it's time to let his cousin come here and see how his cheap granddaughter bullied our Ye family!"

"Uncle Tang is right. It's time for us to put an end to the feud between our two families." The clear and cold voice sounded outside the door, and ye Zhitong helped Ye Wuwei into the living room.

Ye Xinglan quickly went to Ye Wuwei and held him, "Dad, why are you here? The doctor didn't mean to let you stay in bed, you... "

Ye Wuwei waved his hand, interrupted him and looked at Ye Xingbei: "Beibei..."

Ye Xingbei looks up from Gu Jun's arms.

Her vision bumps into Ye Wuwei's eyes.

Ye Wuwei looked at her, eyes moist, eyes pity, regret, gratification, a variety of emotions intertwined.

He carefully looked at Ye Xingbei for a long time, and then said softly: "Beibei, second uncle still owes you. I'm sorry. Originally, I wanted to wait for my health to get better and make amends to you personally. Today I see you here. Second uncle is very happy, you..."

Tears appeared in his eyes, his lips trembled, but the corners of his lips were happy with a smile: "you are very similar to your mother. If my sister-in-law knew you were still alive, she would be very happy..."

Ye Xingbei was stunned to see him for a moment, but nodded slightly at him without saying anything.

Ye Wuwei looked a little disappointed, but he soon regained his spirits.

Beibei should not forgive him, but no matter what attitude Beibei has towards him, Beibei is his elder brother and sister-in-law's niece to his daughter.

The elder brother and sister-in-law are no longer here. He wants to protect Beibei for the elder brother and sister-in-law.

Just like the elder brother and sister-in-law protected him.

Ye Bingjun saw that ye Wuwei and ye Xingbei talked about the past, but his grandson was still lying on the ground unconscious, angry and anxious. He said angrily, "Ah Wei, no matter how you say it, Weiyang is also your nephew. You first ask the doctor to come and check him. He just robbed a servant's breakfast. Do you still want him to die here?"

"You are the slave," Ye Xingbei said, as if he had been trampled on the tail of the cat. He was furious in a moment. "Your whole family are slaves, and your ancestors have been slaves for eight generations!"

"It's wrong, it's wrong!" Ye Bingjun's face turned pale and trembled. He pointed to Ye Xingbei and said to Ye Wuwei, "yes, I know. Ye Xingbei didn't pick up wild seeds from the roadside. It's your eldest brother's own daughter! But even if she's your brother's own daughter, she can't be so humble! I'm her uncle

"Uncle, you big head, my grandfather died long ago. Which onion and garlic are you? You said you were my uncle, you were my uncle, and I said I was your aunt! " Ye Xingbei is angry. His whole head is full of confusion and incoherence. He can say whatever he wants: "I tell you, ye Bingjun, I have nothing to do with the Ye family. Now I am the young grandmother of Gu family and the hostess of Gu group! Ye Bingjun is a fart in my eyes. If you export it again, Gu's fingers will kill you! "

"Well said!" Gu Wuye praised with satisfaction, rubbed her head, and said with appreciation, "Ye Xiaobei, I've raised you for so long, and I've finally raised you with some momentum." , the fastest update of the webnovel!