You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 685

Xiaolongbao Yunuo has been in his arms, but he hasn't been robbed by Ye Weiyang, but all the other breakfast is robbed by Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang took the breakfast Yunuo bought, and when he left, he gave Yunuo a few feet and scolded him for being shameless.

In his mind, Yunuo is the slave of the Ye family. He is the master of the Ye family, which means that he is the master of Yunuo. It is natural for the master to deal with the slaves. Even if someone calls the police, he is not afraid.

He took the breakfast Yunuo bought and went home in a big way.

The family is enjoying around the dining table. Ye Xingbei rushes in and takes a look at the dining table. With a glance, he sees a pear wood walking stick leaning on the sofa. He rushes to it, grabs it and smashes it on the dining table.

Bang bang a few walking sticks down, the tableware on the table was smashed in pieces, the soup splashed on the people around the table.

Ye Liu and ye Ying quickly help ye Bingjun retreat from the dining table.

Smashing the dining table to pieces, ye Xingbei still can't get rid of his anger. He swings his cane and smashes it at Ye Weiyang.

Ye Wei's face is livid. He hides and roars: "Ye Xingbei, are you crazy?"

Ye Bingjun also trembled: "what's the matter?"

Ye Liu held ye Bingjun's arm and whispered: "grandfather, the breakfast we just had was snatched by the second and third brothers from Yu Nuo. I advised them, but they didn't listen and hurt Yu Nuo..."

Ye Bingjun was so angry that he almost lost his breath.

Because ye Tao provoked Ye Xingbei, ye Xinglan angrily dismissed all his descendants from ye.

He went to beg his cousin, who came forward to talk with ye Xinglan. Ye Xinglan gave his cousin face and let all his grandchildren go back to work, but his granddaughter didn't care.

It's only been a few days, and they're going to provoke Ye Xingbei?

And ye Xingbei, who dares to come to their house alone, smash and fight. Is there an elder in his eyes?

Did she really think she would be great with ye Xinglan?

Even if ye Xinglin is the successor of the Ye family, you have to call him uncle, don't you?

Ye Xingbei is holding a cane in his hand. Ye Weiyang is barehanded. He is beaten by several palms of Ye Xingbei. Ye Weiyang is black and blue in the face and screams repeatedly.

Ye Bingjun was so angry that he roared: "come on, come on, don't catch her for me!"

Ye Weizhi rushed out to call people.

The bodyguard of the Ye family hears the master's order and is about to run to the living room. Chi Yu's car rushes into the Ye family compound.

After a burst of harsh brake sound, Chi Yu didn't wait for the car to stop, so he opened the door and jumped out of the car.

The bodyguard car of the late family arrives later. Five or six strong men get off the car to protect Chi Yu and run to the living room.

Then, several off-road vehicles rushed in one after another, and a dozen young men in uniform got off.

These ten young men are almost the same in stature. They are very handsome, tall and straight, vigorous and clean. At first sight, they are practising.

The bodyguards of the Ye family were all cured before they recovered.

Gu Chi rushes into the living room. As soon as he enters the door, he sees that ye Xingbei's cane is swinging on Ye Weiyang's right arm.

With the sound of bone fracture, ye Weiyang screamed, fell to the ground, and his face instantly lost its color.

Ye Xingbei hit red eyes, hands clutching a cane, again and again hit on Ye Weiyang's body.

Her eyes were round, and her black and white eyes were stained with blood, and her teeth were biting.

The walking stick fell on Ye Weiyang's body, head and face.

Want to help the Ye family in the past, all by Gu's bodyguard and Chi's bodyguard, can't move.

In the living room, only Ye Xingbei still swung his cane again and again, beating Ye Weiyang with blood, and the scream became weaker and weaker.

At the moment, ye Xingbei can't hear or see anything. She is only 16 years old. When she first arrived, she was blocked in the back door of the school by Ye Weiyang and beaten up by Yu Nuo.

New hatred, old hatred!

In a trance, she was suddenly hugged from behind, and her sore hand was also held tightly.

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