You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6854

Tan Shenmeng is very skilful.

The tan family is not as rich as the Lin family. Lin Shen and Lin Jianlu can afford many things. She and her brother can't afford them.

She saw what Lin saw about the deer. As long as she was greedy, she went to her aunt to act as a spoiled child.

As long as she speaks, her aunt will satisfy her.

She thought it was the same this time.

She waited confidently for her aunt to support her.

"Know you're wrong? Will you compensate the deer?" Lin Mu's angry voice trembled: "my daughter has suffered so much. You tell me that she knows she's wrong, you'll compensate the deer? You... You... You all get out of here!"

She threw her cell phone angrily.

She only hates her clumsy tongue and won't quarrel, otherwise she will spray tan Shenmeng to death.

Know you're wrong?

Will compensate her daughter?

With these two light words, do you want to erase the hardships and sins her daughter has suffered over the years?

That is, her daughter is optimistic and strong by nature, and the three members of their family love her daughter. No matter how sick and unlucky she is, she has never despised her daughter.

If her daughter had caused so much trouble to the family, her husband and her son might have despised her daughter.

Over the years, no matter she or her husband, son and daughter, they have been too hard. They are worried every day and haven't lived a comfortable life.

If it was fate, it was destiny, she recognized it.

But now, she knows, it's man-made!

It was made by her mother's sister-in-law!

Why is she so cruel?

Her heart was bleeding with hate. If Wu Xiuzhi was in front of her now, she stabbed Wu Xiuzhi to death with a knife. Tan Shenmeng actually licked her face and said to her what forgiveness.

She was so angry that her head was about to explode and her whole body trembled. She wanted to have wings. She immediately flew back to her mother's house and killed Wu Xiuzhi with her own hands!

Father Lin noticed that she was different and quickly walked over: "what's the matter?"

Before she could speak, tears fell down. "It was really Wu Xiuzhi who did it! Our deer was really hurt by Wu Xiuzhi! When Shen asked the police to catch Wu Xiuzhi, Tan Shenmeng called me and asked me to forgive Wu Xiuzhi! Is she or she a psychopath?"

She couldn't scold more ugly words, but at this moment, her disgust for Tan Shenmeng has reached the extreme.

Lin Fu has long suspected Wu Xiuzhi.

Lin's mother's words confirmed his suspicion.

He stroked his wife with one hand and took out his mobile phone with the other. When he called Lin Shen, his voice was as cold as a blade: "when he was deep, don't be soft. I want Wu Xiuzhi to survive and die!"

If you dare to attack his daughter, you will bear the consequences of harming his daughter.

Over the years, he has to double his daughter's suffering and sins from Wu Xiuzhi!

"Also," he said coldly, "ignore Tan Shenmeng's brain disability. In the future, she will be her. Our Lin family is our Lin family. She has nothing to do with us!"

His wife was so kind to the tan family that they thought that no matter what they did, the Lin family had to bear them and let them.

you must be dreaming!

The Lin family is kind to the tan family because they value love, righteousness and feelings. The tan family is not a man. Why should the Lin family give them face!

"I see, Dad." Lin Shen Hung up his cell phone.

Tan Shenmeng stared at him with expectant eyes: "did my aunt ask you to let my mother go? I knew that my aunt loved me most!"

Just now, she was scolded by Lin's mother.

When she recovers, she comforts herself that her aunt will scold her because she can't accept it for a while. When her aunt calms down, her aunt will help her!

Sure enough, soon, her uncle called back.

Her aunt must have told her uncle to let Lin Shen go of her mother.

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