You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6853

He can't think of it

It's strange. Wu Xiuzhi did so well that she moved the heart and soul of the Lin family.

If it were him, he would not easily forgive others for killing his daughter so miserable.

What face does he have to ask Lin Shen to do when he can't do it himself?

Seeing that he was silent, Tan Shenmeng anxiously pulled his clothes: "Dad, you hurry to save mom, mom can't go to jail!"

That's her biological mother!

How can her biological mother go to jail?

Her mother was in prison and her reputation was ruined.

Who wants to marry a woman whose mother is in prison?

Tan Yongzhi shook his head helplessly: "I can't save her..."

She killed herself and no one could save her.

"Why can't you save her?" Tan Shenmeng stamped his feet anxiously: "Dad, please, Shenshi, Shenshi is your nephew! Shenshi..."

When she looked at Lin Shen, "my mother is your own aunt. Do you have to do everything without a little kindness?"

"Yes, she's my own aunt," Lin Shen sneered. "She's also the deer's own aunt. She killed the deer miserably and narrowly!"

Tan Shenmeng didn't know whether it was shame or anger. He blushed. "When he was deep, no one had a fault. Why should you ignore him? My mother has admitted her mistake. My father beat my mother. She has paid the price. Our family is willing to compensate the deer. You have to make a quarrel between our two families. Can't even make relatives?"

"Mengmeng, shut up!" master Tan shouted angrily.

Lin Shen sneered, "if I want to get justice for the deer, you don't want to be relatives with our Lin family. I can't wait!"

Are such shameless relatives rare in the Lin family?

If you don't do it, you won't do it well. He wants it!

"You!" Tan Shenmeng said angrily, "do you know that you are so heartless? My aunt loves me and my brother most. If I let my aunt know and you force us so much, my aunt will be angry! I'll call my aunt now!"

Her aunt loves her and her brother most. When Lin Shen saw deer with Lin, she and her brother had everything.

Lin Shen pushed them so hard that she would send her mother to prison regardless of their reputation. Her aunt certainly didn't know.

If her aunt knew, she would stand on their side and stop the deep forest!

She dialed Lin's mother's phone and complained angrily: "aunt, when you were in charge, he went too far. He actually called the police and arrested my mother to go to jail. Take care of him quickly!"

"What?" mother Lin was stunned. When she thought of something, her cold hair stood up. "The matter of the deer is really related to your mother?"

She's not stupid.

She said she didn't believe her sister-in-law had hurt her daughter, but she doubted Wu Xiuzhi after all.

She just doesn't want to believe it.

But now, Tan Shenmeng said that her son would call the police to arrest Wu Xiuzhi.

Why did her son call the police to arrest Wu Xiuzhi?

It must be her son who found the evidence that Wu Xiuzhi murdered the deer!

A stream of blood jumped up to her head. She clung to her mobile phone, pale and cold, waiting for Tan Shenmeng's answer.

"Aunt, my mother didn't mean to hurt the deer. She just wanted to find a good family for Lin Rao and let Lin Rao have a good home," Tan Shenmeng said coquettishly. "Aunt, my mother already knows that she is wrong. You can forgive her. She won't dare to compensate the deer in the future.", the fastest update of the webnovel!