You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6855

Lin Shen was so cold that he didn't bother to pay attention to her and looked at the two policemen: "it's hard for you two."

The two policemen immediately understood - it meant not to be private.

In that case, they don't have to waste any more time.

The two held Wu Xiuzhi's arm from left to right: "let's go."

"No! No!" Wu Xiuzhi shook her head desperately: "Dad, mom, Yongzhi, a Cang, Mengmeng, help me, I don't want to go to jail! I don't want to go to jail!"

Tan Shenmeng stared in shock and questioned Lin Shen: "didn't my aunt ask you to let my mother go? Didn't you even listen to my aunt?"

"Tan Shenmeng, do you feel too good about yourself?" Lin Shenshi frowned with disgust. "You also said that my mother is your aunt. Do you think your position in my mother's mind is more important than the deer?"

There are indeed mentally disabled married women in this world. They regard the interests of their mother's family more important than their husband's family and more important than their own children.

But not fucking.

His mother is filial and defends his uncle and loves Tan shencang and Tan Shenmeng. However, no matter how his mother is filial to his grandparents, how she defends his grandparents and how she loves Tan shencang and Tan Shenmeng, she can't go beyond his father, him and his sister.

Tan Shenmeng actually thought that his mother would protect Wu Xiuzhi who had harmed his sister. Sure enough, there must be a daughter if there is a mother. His mother is mentally disabled, and Tan Shenmeng won't let it go!

"I don't want to compete with anyone!" Tan Shenmeng said loudly, "I just said that my aunt loves me and she is willing to listen to anything I say! I begged my aunt to let my mother go and my aunt will listen to me!"

"I can only say that you think too much!" Lin Shen sneered. "My mother loves you because she is kind-hearted and emotional, but no matter how much my mother loves you, in my mother's mind, you can't compare with fawn. Being a man is expensive and self-knowledge. My mother loves you. You should also put yourself in my mother's shoes, rather than hurt my mother by taking advantage of my mother's love for you!"

"I didn't hurt my aunt. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I just wanted to save my mother!" Tan Shenmeng rushed to him, grabbed his arm and begged: "when I was deep, it was my cousin begging you. It's not good? The family scandal can't be publicized. Things spread. All of us have to be laughed at and used as a laughing stock after dinner. Do you want to be laughed at and used as a talking stock?"

"We are victims and will not be ridiculed or used as a handle," Lin Shenshi said. "Wu Xiuzhi is the only one ridiculed! She has a vicious heart and refuses to recognize her relatives. She should be ridiculed and pointed out by thousands of people!"

"No! No!" Tan Shenmeng shook his head. "My mother did something wrong. You can punish her, but I beg you not to let the police catch her to jail! My mother is counting on her own family. Let's solve it behind closed doors. Don't make trouble. Everyone knows how you want to solve it, that is, don't let the police catch my mother to jail!"

If her mother is caught by the police and things spread, she and her brother will be implicated.

How will she go out and meet people in the future?

Those who disagreed with her also had an excuse to laugh at her.

She doesn't want to live like that!

She held Lin Shen's arm and looked like she would never stop if Lin Shen didn't promise her.

Lin Shen ran out of patience and pushed her away: "go away! I don't have my own people like you!"

Wu Xiuzhi hurt her family. Should they solve it behind closed doors?

How did she have the face to say that?, the fastest update of the webnovel!