You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6852

Moreover, he should think of his children.

If Wu Xiuzhi is caught by the police, it will certainly affect the marriage and future of his children!

Just when he was in a dilemma, a siren sounded outside the door.

The police are here.

Lin Shen opened the door of the living room and welcomed the police in.

The police brought a law enforcement recorder and asked what had happened when they entered the door.

"Deep time!" Wu Xiuzhi screamed bitterly, rushed to Lin deep time, cried and begged, "deep time, my aunt knows it's wrong, really know it's wrong! I'm your own aunt. No matter what happens in our family, it's all housework. Let's solve it ourselves. Don't bother the police, OK? Comrade police!"

She turned her head in a panic and said to the two policemen, "I'm Lin Shenshi's aunt. We just had a little family dispute. We don't need your help to solve it. You go, I beg you, you go!"

The two policemen remained unmoved.

They've seen this a lot.

It's the victims who call the police, and those who harm people want to solve it in private.

They have to listen to the victim, not the perpetrator.

When the two policemen looked into the forest.

Lin Shen started from the beginning and told the police the whole thing.

The two policemen looked at Wu Xiuzhi and were amazed.

Wu Xiuzhi is good-looking and well maintained. Even now she is a little embarrassed, she can see that she is a weak, quiet and well-off woman.

Looking only at her face and temperament, no one could have imagined that she should be so crazy.

After doing such a terrible thing, she said it was a family and housework.

Sure enough, their experience was right, and the words of the perpetrators could not be heard.

After learning about the whole incident, the leading policeman said to Wu Xiuzhi, "come with us."

Because Lin Shenshi only spoke orally, there was no evidence, and the evidence depended on them to investigate, so they didn't show their handcuffs.

Even so, Wu Xiuzhi was terrified.

She shook her head and hid behind Tan Yongzhi, "Yongzhi, help me, help me, I don't want to go to jail, don't..."

She never had the idea of going to jail in her mind.

She always felt that what she did would not be discovered.

She also felt that even if someone found out, Lin Jianlu was her niece and she was Lin Jianlu's aunt. Even if the east window incident happened, the Lin family couldn't do anything to her.

She takes herself too seriously!

But Lin Shen didn't take her aunt seriously at all.

Lin Shen didn't take her children seriously when she was young. It didn't work for her children to plead. Lin Shen was determined to send her to prison.

She's not going to jail.

She is the wife of the tan family. Her husband and wife love each other and have both children. How can she go to jail?

Seeing her embarrassed and frightened eyes, Tan Yongzhi finally softened his heart.

When he looked at Lin Shen, he said with difficulty: "Shen Shi... I will ask her to apologize to your parents and the deer... I will find a way to compensate the deer..."

"How can my uncle compensate the deer?" Lin Shen met his eyes and asked faintly: "the deer has suffered for so many years. After so many years of sin, my uncle thinks, what can you do to compensate her?"

Tan Yongzhi was speechless.

How can he compensate?


None of the ten Tan families has money. How can the Lin family rare Tan family's money?

In addition to money and material compensation, what compensation can the tan family give Lin Jianlu?, the fastest update of the webnovel!