You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 684

"The car that just passed is Gu's sister-in-law's," Chi Yu got out of the car and said to Duanmu Ying through the window, "Xiao Ying, you accompany your parents to Wuge manor. I'll go to see Gu's sister-in-law. I think she looks wrong. It seems that something has happened."

Although Ye Xingbei's car just flashed by him, he still saw that she was the only one in Ye Xingbei's car, and his face was full of hatred and fury.

He doesn't know what ye Xingbei is going to do, but looking at Ye Xingbei's expression, he guesses that ye Xingbei is either too angry, going out to drag racing to vent his anger, or looking for revenge.

No matter what it is, since he met it, he can't ignore it.

Time is urgent, he didn't say much, got on the back of the car.

The bodyguards divided into two teams. Duanmu's bodyguards continued to protect his wife and his parents and went to Gu Junzhu's manor.

He took Chi's bodyguard to chase Ye Xingbei.

Ye Xing flies all the way to the north, and the gate of Ye Bingjun's home soon appears in his field of vision.

The door was closed. She didn't call. She stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the front of the car hit the door.

The gate shook a few times and was about to fall.

Ye Xingbei backed up and crashed again.

The gate fell to the ground.

The guard of the Ye family rushed out from the gate post and yelled at the car of Ye Xingbei: "who? What are you doing? "

Seeing ye Xingbei's face from the window, the guard at the door was stunned: "north, Miss Beibei?"

The guard of Ye Bingjun's family knows this good tempered Miss Ye.

In his impression, this young lady is different from other young ladies in the Ye family. She has a very good temper.

It's said that this one was adopted. Before, Miss Ye always gave up when she saw other young masters and young ladies in the Ye family.

What happened today?

Ye Xingbei turned a deaf ear to the guard's questions and drove directly to the bottom of the steps before slamming on the brake.

If it wasn't for the steps, she would have driven straight into the living room.

She pushed the door open, got out, ran up the steps and broke into the living room.

In the restaurant, the Ye family are eating.

After listening to Gu Junzhu's words, Yunuo queued up and bought some of Taihe building's signature breakfast.

Ye Weiyang and ye Weizhi went late, and there was a long line in front of them.

They want to eat breakfast in Taihe building, but they don't bother to line up. Just when they feel disappointed, they see Yunuo carrying a pile of breakfast from inside to outside.

Ye Weiyang has an idea. He stops Yu Nuo and "discusses" with him. He pays double for the breakfast he bought, and then he queues up again.

He knew that ye Xingbei's position in the Ye family was different now, so he didn't grab it as hard as before. Instead, he talked it over and offered a double price.

Anyway, he is not poor in money, and this breakfast is not worth much money. He mainly doesn't want to queue up.

Who knows, even so, rain still refused.

In Ye Weiyang's mind, Yunuo is a slave who is not as good as a slave. He dares to brush his face. He can't get over his face. He is so angry that he gives Yunuo a slap.

To rain Nuo, buy breakfast to go back, it is Gu Jun Zhu gives him task.

There are also small saplings who want to eat the small cage bag of Taihe building.

The breakfast in Taihe building is provided regularly and quantitatively. If ye Weiyang takes it away, he can't buy it in line again.

He was so cruel that he didn't let go of breakfast.

There were many people on the other side, so he was alone. He had to protect his breakfast. At last, he was beaten by Ye Weiyang's people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!