You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6849

She knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately to Mr. and Mrs. tan. Tan Yongzhi pushed the door in and was stunned to see the scene in front of her.

After he regained consciousness, he walked over quickly and asked old man Tan and old lady Tan in a hurry: "Dad, mom, what's the matter?"

He and Wu Xiuzhi have been husband and wife for many years. They have always had a good relationship. Seeing Wu Xiuzhi kneeling on the ground and banging kowtow to his parents, he felt very uncomfortable.

"How dare you ask!" old Mrs. Tan was so angry that she shook out all the things Wu Xiuzhi did like a machine gun.

Finally, the old lady hated iron and said, "what did I say? I said Wu Xiuzhi is not a good thing. She doesn't deserve you. You just don't listen to me. Now, she even hurts your own sister. How will you see your sister-in-law and deer in the future?"

Tan Yongzhi was stunned.

For a moment, he accepted his incompetence and stared at Wu Xiuzhi, "Zhizhi, is this, is this true?"

Wu Xiuzhi's kowtow forehead turned red and her face was full of tears: "Yongzhi, believe me, I didn't want to hurt my sister or anyone. I just found a good family for Rao Rao first, Yongzhi..."

She knelt at Tan Yongzhi's feet and grabbed Tan Yongzhi's trouser legs. "You quickly say to Shen Shi and let him close the case! Shen Shi called the police and you quickly let him close the case. If... If these things spread, how can Shen Cang and Meng Meng get married? You let Shen Shi close the case, you quickly let Shen Shi close the case!"

She was sweating and the veins on her forehead burst.

Tan Yongzhi looked down at her stupidly and couldn't slow down for a long time.

It's true?

It's true!

His nephew girl has been ill and unlucky for so many years, which was planned by his wife.

They had been married for so many years, how could he not know that his wife was such a capable person?

His ability made his heart hair and scalp numb.

Why is she so terrible?

In order to let the Lin family adopt Lin Rao, she has done so many things unconsciously. She has tossed the chickens and dogs of the Lin family. Lin Jianlu has been plagued with bad luck and disease for many years.

No one doubted her for so many years.

So terrible!

Every time she sees his sister's family, she smiles kindly and treats her sister like a close sister.

She has been married to the tan family for so many years and has never been red faced or dirty with his sister's family.

He always thought that she was a good sister-in-law and aunt.

But actually?

When she smiled at the Lin family, the knife in her hand was stabbing the Lin family!

Neither the Lin family nor his husband felt anything!

She's really terrible.

So terrible!

In order to achieve her goal, she calculated the Lin family for so many years. In the future, can she also calculate her parents, him and his children for other purposes?

She is so cruel, vicious and has no bottom line. He doesn't think it strange what she does

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Wu Xiuzhi has been looking at him with expectant eyes, hoping that he can let Lin Shenshi close the case.

Tan Yongzhi's eyes changed from stupidity and disbelief to disgust and fear. She saw it clearly.

In an instant, she felt that the sky had fallen.

Her relationship with Tan Yongzhi has always been very good.

She knows that Tan Yongzhi is the foundation for her to settle down in the tan family. She is obedient to tan Yongzhi, manages and cares for the feelings between her and Tan Yongzhi.

She and Tan Yongzhi have been married for so many years and haven't had a quarrel.

But now, Tan Yongzhi showed a look of fear and disgust to her., the fastest update of the webnovel!