You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6848

Mrs. Tan asked Lin Shen to call the police to catch aunt tan. She was so angry that she hated aunt Tan very much. She didn't think too much.

When Aunt Tan mentioned her grandson and granddaughter, she immediately regretted and hurriedly stopped Lin Shenshi: "when you are deep, don't call the police!"

The police call has been connected. Lin Shen pretended not to hear what Mrs. Tan said and simply told the police officer who received the alarm about the situation here.

After that, he hung up his cell phone. He looked at old Mrs. Tan, "grandma, what did you say?"

Mrs. Tan is a little hard to say.

Mr. Tan stared at Mrs. Tan and said to Lin Shenshi, "your grandmother didn't say anything."

Even if you didn't call the police at first.

Now, Lin Shenshi has called the police. If Lin Shenshi cancels the case, Lin Shenshi will be uncomfortable.

Besides, if Wu Xiuzhi is not brought to justice, the relationship between the Lin family and the tan family will be over.

If Wu Xiuzhi is sent to prison, his daughter and son-in-law may forgive his son, grandson and granddaughter, and the two families can have a good relationship in the future.

If Wu Xiuzhi stays in the tan family, the Lin family and the tan family will have a dead feud and will not communicate with each other in the future.

As a father, the last thing I want to see is that my children turn against each other.

As for the marriage of his grandchildren... Marry low and marry low.

Low marriage and low marriage have the advantages of low marriage and low marriage.

Although the tan family is not very rich, they at least have no worries about food and clothing. Even if they marry low and marry low, they will certainly have no worries about food and drink.

Although people go up high, but the family is unfortunate. What can we do if we marry this vicious woman and spread such bad things?

We can only take the second place.

Aunt Tan always thought that she gave birth to a son and a daughter for the tan family. Her younger sister-in-law was the close aunt of her children, and Lin Shen was her children's cousin. Even if the east window incident happened, for the sake of her children, the tan and Lin families had to break their arms, fold them in their sleeves, solve it privately, and won't make it public.

She never dreamed that Lin Shen called the police!

The police got through and the police came to catch her soon.

She was stunned and foolish.

Will she go to jail?

She doesn't know.

What has she done over the years?

Spend money to bribe the "expert" to act and deceive her sister-in-law.

Is this a fraud?

In order to convince her little sister-in-law that Lin Jianlu was unlucky, she paid for a distant nephew to drive into Lin Jianlu, push Lin Jianlu down the stairs, see Lin Jianlu passing downstairs and push the flower pot down the roof.

She didn't want Lin Jianlu to die, but created the illusion that Lin Jianlu was unlucky and unlucky.

What she did, was it intentional?

She doesn't know.

However, she knew that whether it was intentional injury or not, if the police dug out what she did, she would have to pay a price.

Even if she doesn't have to go to jail, her reputation will stink.

As a sister-in-law, she calculated her own sister-in-law and let her husband's nephew girl get sick and unlucky for so many years.

If outsiders know what she has done, others will have to scold her for being vicious and cruel.

How can her children get married if she has such a reputation?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. She stumbled and fell on her knees in front of old man Tan and old lady tan. "Dad and mom, I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong! You must believe me. I just want to find a good family for Rao Rao. I'm not bad hearted, I'm not bad hearted! Dad and mom, please, for shencang and Mengmeng's sake, don't let the police catch me!", the fastest update of the webnovel!