You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6850

Tan Yongzhi is... Afraid of her!

This perception broke her down.

She grabbed Tan Yongzhi's trouser leg and cried, "Yongzhi, believe me, I'm really not bad hearted. I just look at Rao Rao without father and mother. It's too poor. I want to find her a good family and let her grow up well..."


this is it.

She calculated the Lin family, not because she was vicious, but because she was soft hearted, kind and emotional, and wanted to take good care of her sister's daughter.

Tan Yongzhi should not be afraid of her.

You shouldn't!

"Poor Lin Rao, where's the deer?" Tan Yongzhi suddenly broke out, kicked her away and roared: "Lin Rao is your sister's daughter, and the deer is also my sister's daughter! Have you considered my feelings in order to make your sister's daughter live a good life? Wu Xiuzhi, do you really care about me?"

Wu Xiuzhi cried out of breath.

She regretted it.

I really regret it.

Now looking back on the original decision, she also felt crazy.


She must have been mad at her mother-in-law.

Her mother-in-law looked down on her. Her words were so ugly. She looked down on her parents and her sister. She was so angry that she did such an incredible thing.

She cried and shook her head: "I don't want to... I really don't want to... I discussed with my mother at the beginning. I want to adopt Rao Rao, but my mother doesn't allow it..."

"My mother doesn't allow you to plan my sister?" Tan Yongzhi couldn't control his emotions and kicked Wu Xiuzhi fiercely: "Why are you so bad and vicious? You, you..."

He just felt incredible.

It turns out that people who know their faces but not their hearts can also be used on their pillow people.

He has been sleeping with Wu Xiuzhi for more than 20 years. He has always thought that his wife is a good wife and mother and a good woman.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes today, he wouldn't believe it. The man beside his pillow is even more poisonous than a beautiful snake!

The poisonous snake may also be open to his close relatives. The people next to his pillow are even harmful to his own sister!

He was so angry that his eyes blackened and his body shook that he almost fainted.

Wu Xiuzhi was kicked to the ground and screamed loudly.

Tan shencang and Tan Shenmeng walked to the door laughing and talking. They were shocked to hear screams from the living room.

After taking a few quick steps and pushing the door in, the brother and sister were surprised at the scene in front of them and hurried to help Wu Xiuzhi.

Tan shencang asked Tan Yongzhi, "Dad, what's the matter? What happened?"

Tan Shenmeng saw the footprints on Wu Xiuzhi's chest and asked angrily, "Dad, you hit my mother? How can you hit someone?"

Tan Yongzhi closed his eyes, took deep breaths for several times, pressed down the impulse to vomit blood, and briefly said the story again.

Tan shencang and Tan Shenmeng were in the same state when they learned the news.

Both of them were stunned and looked at Wu Xiuzhi strangely. They couldn't believe that Wu Xiuzhi had done such a terrible thing.

Wu Xiuzhi cried bitterly and shook her head again and again. It was still her words: "I didn't want to harm the deer. Really, I didn't want to harm anyone. I just want your aunt and uncle to adopt Rao Rao and let Rao have a home. The conditions of the Lin family are so good that it doesn't matter to raise more than one child..."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Tan shencang angrily refuted: "the focus of this matter is that my aunt and uncle have raised one more child? The focus of this matter is that you have hurt the deer for so many years and suffered so many years. When my aunt and uncle know, they will not let you go!", the fastest update of the webnovel!