You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6845

"Don't you know?" Lin Shen raised his eyebrow and sneered. He took out the paternity test and threw it in front of aunt Tan: "aunt, since you don't know anything, tell me why there is a parent-child relationship between you and Lin Rao?"

His voice soared, "aunt, the paternity test is here. The evidence is conclusive. Do you want to deny it? Lin Rao is your sister's daughter. You introduced the so-called expert to my mother. You colluded with the so-called expert and sent Lin Rao to my house!"

Thinking of the miasma in the family and the restlessness of the house over the years, Lin Shen hated and gnashed his teeth: "aunt, my parents have helped you a lot over the years. Lin Rao stirred up my house and made the deer sick, unlucky and painful for so many years! Where did our Lin family offend you and let you harm our Lin family so much!"

"No, I didn't!" aunt Tan shook her head subconsciously.

"Didn't you?" Lin Shen picked up the paternity test and fell angrily on her face, "See for yourself! It's clearly written in black and white. You and Lin Rao are related by blood and are close relatives! Tell me, if you don't know anything, why did you recommend the expert to my mother? Why did the expert say the so-called eight characters of the noble's birthday? Why did it belong to your niece?"

Lin Shen shouted angrily, "what do you think we are? Fools?"

"No... no..." aunt Tan looked pale and shook her head.

Mr. and Mrs. Tan were stunned.

When Tan looked at Aunt Tan and Lin Shen, he asked with difficulty, "Shen Shi, do you mean that Lin Rao is your aunt's sister's daughter? That expert is not an expert, but she made a bureau. She made a bureau to let your parents adopt Lin Rao and let Lin Rao live a good life in your house?"

"I remember..." Mrs. Tan suddenly screamed, pointed to Aunt Tan and said, "after your sister died, you once told me that you wanted to adopt your sister's daughter, but I refused!"

Mr. Tan looked at his wife and aunt tan. His face was ugly: "you wanted to adopt your sister's daughter, but your mother didn't allow it, so you made a bureau and sent your sister's daughter to the Lin family?"


Aunt Tan also wanted to deny, but was interrupted by Lin Shenshi: "Wu Xiuzhi, think about it! The evidence is conclusive, and it's no use denying it. If you tell the truth honestly, for the sake of being my cousin's biological mother, we'll solve it privately. If you think you can deny it by biting to death, I'll have to call the police!"

He coldly raised his mouth: "if the police find out, you collude with the so-called expert, cheat and harm my Lin family, my Lin family and you, don't die!"

"No!" aunt Tan cried out in horror: "deep, don't do this, I don't mean any harm! Really, I don't mean any harm!"

She could no longer control her emotions and cried out in panic: "When I was young, you believed in my aunt. My aunt didn't mean any harm at all. My aunt just thought Rao Rao was poor and wanted Rao to live a good life... In fact, I wanted to adopt Rao Rao, but your grandmother refused. I saw your parents doting on the deer, and I envied the deer. I thought Rao Rao would be better if she were your parents' daughter, so I... I will..."

She bribed an "expert", made a bureau and sent Lin Rao to the Lin family., the fastest update of the webnovel!