You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6844

"Aunt, the deer is your niece. How do I think you care more about Lin Rao than the deer?" Lin Shen stared at her with deep eyes.

Aunt Tan's heart jumped again, maintaining the smile on her face and pretending to be nothing happened, "when I was deep, you misunderstood, because the deer and Rao Rao together, my luck can become better. I am good to Rao Rao. I hope Rao Rao can help the deer more. Of course, I love the deer more than Rao Rao."

"Really?" Lin Shen said coldly, "aunt, I heard you have a sister?"

Aunt Lin failed to control her expression and changed her color.

Her heart beat wildly, the corners of her mouth twitched, and her heart panicked badly.


Why did Lin Shen suddenly mention her sister?

Did... He know Lin Rao's life experience?



After so many years, her sister died and her brother-in-law died. It was impossible for Lin Shen to know Lin Rao's life experience.

But... If Lin Shen didn't know Lin Rao's life experience, why did she suddenly mention her sister?

She tried to control her panic and try to make herself look as usual. "Yes, I have a sister, but I died many years ago... Why did you suddenly mention my sister when I was deep?"

Lin Shen sneered and said slowly, "aunt, I heard that your sister has a daughter who was born in the same year and month as Lin Rao?"

Aunt Tan's face turned pale.

She doesn't want to.

She also wanted to pretend that nothing had happened. She didn't respond at all.

But she couldn't control the panic in her heart, the beating heart and the look on her face.

She wanted to laugh, but the corners of her mouth and eyes were twitching, and the expression on her face looked very strange.

Both Mr. Tan and Mrs. Tan found her different.

Master Tan frowned and asked Lin Shenshi, "what's going on in Shenshi?"

Aunt Tan's reaction has shown that his suspicion is right. Lin Rao is her sister's daughter.

Lin Shen had a bottom in his heart. Since the old man asked, he no longer played tricks. Looking at old man Tan and old lady Tan, he said, "Grandpa and grandma, we went to the capital this time and found a very powerful doctor. The doctor saw the problem after taking the pulse for the deer. The reason why the deer was ill was not that she was in poor health, but that someone had tampered with her!"

"What?" Mr. Tan's face changed greatly: "who is so vicious? The deer is such a good child. She has no struggle with the world and has no conflict of interest with others. What harm does she do?"

"I have to ask my aunt!" Lin Shen looked at Aunt tan with cold eyes and a cold sword.

Aunt Tan's heart beat wildly, her fingertips trembled, and cold sweat exuded from her forehead.

Lin Shen knows!

He really knows Lin Rao's life experience.


How could he know?

It's been so long since her sister and brother-in-law died. There's no trace. How could Lin Shen know Lin Rao's life experience?

Lin Shen knew the truth. What should she do?

She is Lin Shenshi's aunt, her son is Lin Shenshi's cousin, and her daughter is Lin Shenshi's cousin. For the sake of her husband and her children, should she be all right?

Seeing that she was pale and didn't speak, master Tan frowned and asked her, "what's going on?"

"Dad, I don't know what deep time means..." aunt Tan tried to pretend that she was at a loss and was dying., the fastest update of the webnovel!