You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6846

Her sister-in-law married into the Lin family is a high marriage, and the tan family is far inferior to the Lin family.

Don't say that her mother-in-law forbids her to adopt Lin Rao. Even if the tan family adopts Lin Rao, Lin Rao doesn't live well in the tan family.

Lin Rao's adoption by the Lin family is more beautiful and happy than that by the tan family. She will marry better in the future.

And... She has a bad relationship with her mother-in-law.

She had only one sister. Before she died, her sister begged her to take care of her only daughter. She promised her sister.

So she wanted to take Lin Rao back to Tan's family, but her mother-in-law didn't agree.

Her mother-in-law not only disagreed, but also mockingly scolded her, saying that her sister had no conscience and didn't even want her own flesh and blood in order to get married.

The old woman said that the dragon begets the dragon, the Phoenix begets the Phoenix, and the son born of the mouse can make holes. Her sister is not a good thing. If her sister's daughter follows her sister, the tan family will raise her sister's daughter. Eight out of ten, nine out of ten will raise a white eyed wolf.

The old lady said that she has grandchildren, grandchildren, and grandchildren. Her own children can't hurt and won't raise other people's children.

The old woman asked her to find a good family for her sister's daughter. Don't think of her tan family. As long as she was alive, the tan family would never raise children for her sister.

She's going crazy.

Dragon born dragon, phoenix born phoenix, mouse born son can make holes, her sister is not a good thing, what about her?

Where are her parents?

The dead old woman's words scolded her family.

She knew that the old woman didn't look up to her.

Her sister-in-law married into the Lin family is a high marriage, and her marriage into the tan family is also a high marriage.

In those days, if she was not beautiful and caught her husband's heart, the dead old woman would not allow her husband to marry her at all.

When she married the tan family, the conditions of her family were general. After her sister died, her parents were sad and closed the company at home. The family couldn't make ends meet. Day by day, her mother-in-law looked down on her more and more.

Others think that only she knows the scenery of her life, and how much she lives is oppressive.

Her sister left a daughter. She couldn't even adopt her sister's only flesh and blood.

What's the meaning of what Mrs. Tan did?

She hated her mother-in-law, so she came up with the idea of the Lin family.

Didn't her mother-in-law forbid her to adopt her sister's daughter?


She wants the Lin family to raise her!

She knew that her little sister-in-law listened to her mother-in-law very much, so she didn't mention to her little sister-in-law about letting her little sister-in-law adopt her sister's daughter. Instead, she secretly planned to frame Lin Jianlu and let Lin Jianlu get sick and unlucky.

Then, she used the "expert" to make her little sister-in-law believe that Lin Rao is the noble man of Lin Jianlu, and took Lin Rao into the Lin family.

Lin Rao is connected to the Lin family as a noble man of Lin Jianlu. All the Lin family dote on Lin Rao as a little princess, obeys everything and obeys everything. Lin Rao's life in the Lin family is more comfortable than Lin Jianlu.

Every time she sees Lin Rao spoiled by the Lin family, she will be particularly proud.

Didn't her mother-in-law look down on her sister and her sister's daughter and say that her sister and her sister's daughter are mice?

When her mother-in-law is dying, if she has a chance, she will tell her mother-in-law that the "mouse" in your mouth has been adopted by the Lin family.

The Lin family treat her as a baby pimple. It's better for her than Lin Jianlu!

Whenever she thought of that scene, she felt very relieved., the fastest update of the webnovel!