You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6843

Lin Shen looked at his confidant and asked, "what else did you find?"

"That's all for now," said his confidant. "Time is too short and things are too long. Subordinates need time to find more things."

Lin Shenshi asked, "did you find my aunt's sister and why she sent her daughter away?"

"I found this," said his confidant "Your aunt's sister's first husband died in a car accident. She and her first husband had a daughter. Originally, after her husband died, she had been taking her daughter with her. Later, someone introduced her to a man who was in good condition and was willing to marry her, but the first thing was that she was not allowed to take children, so she gave them away."

Frown when the forest is deep.

To get married, give away your own flesh and blood?

How cruel!

"Where is she now?" asked Lin Shen.

"Dead," said his confidant. "Sick and dead."

Lin Shen sneered, "retribution!"

He tapped his fingers on the table and was lost in thought.

Now, he has basically determined that Lin Rao is the daughter of his aunt and sister.

But he has no evidence.

If we take Lin Rao's and his aunt's blood and hair for paternity testing, it will take some time.

But he didn't want to wait any longer.

Thinking for a moment, he looked at his confidant, "you forge a paternity test..."

He detailed his plan to his confidants.

His confidants nodded.

A moment later, he hurried away.

Two hours later, he came back with a fake paternity test.

Now Lin Rao is in Beijing. It will take at least a few days to get a real paternity test.

A fake paternity test was done in two hours.

He looked through the paternity test several times and determined that there was no flaw, he called his grandfather: "is Grandpa, uncle and aunt at home? I have something very important to tell you, grandma and uncle and aunt."

Master Tan said, "your aunt is here and your uncle is not. What's the matter? What happened when I was deep?"

"It's very important," said Lin Shenshi seriously. "Grandpa, I'll go home right now. Please let my uncle go home. I have something very important to tell him."

"OK, I'll call your uncle and let him come back right away." master Tan knew that his grandson was calm and would not aim at nothing. He said that there must be something very important.

At the end of the call, Lin Shen came to Tan's house without delay.

As soon as they entered the door, Mr. Tan and Mrs. Tan asked with concern, "didn't you go to the capital with your parents and deer? Why did you come back? Is the deer okay?"

"The deer is very good," Lin Shen sat down opposite the old man and the old lady. "Grandpa and grandma, we went to the capital this time. We gained a lot and found the cause of the deer. The doctor said that as long as we recuperate for a year or two, the deer's body can be like a normal person."

His meaningful eyes fell on Aunt Tan's face.

Aunt Tan's heart burst and pulled out a happy smile, "that's great! Our deer have finally come through all the hardships and joys! It's just..."

She hesitated and said, "the deer can be cured. It's bad luck. Is there a way? Do you have to have a good relationship with Rao?", the fastest update of the webnovel!