You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6842

The Lin family wanted to stay in a hotel, but ye Xinglan stopped them.

The Lin family doesn't have a house in the capital, but he does.

Since Lin Jianlu's problem can be solved and there are no physical problems, Lin Jianlu is likely to be his wife in the future.

The Lin family and the Ye family are family friends. Lin's mother and his mother are handkerchiefs. He and Lin Shenshi are close friends. The Lin family and the Ye family are in charge. Lin Jianlu likes him, and he also has feelings for Lin Jianlu.

To sum up, he and Lin Jianlu are a natural couple.

In the past, his mother was worried about the marriage of the two families because she was worried about Lin Jianlu's health.

But now, since Yue Yaer says that Lin Jianlu's body can recover in a year or two, it's no different from normal people, his mother should have no opinion.

He is still young and can afford to wait for a year or two.

It's not easy for people like him to find someone who is equal to him and likes him.

It's rare. He doesn't want to miss any chance.

The Lin family was happy to see the success of the marriage between Lin Jianlu and ye Xinglan, so they didn't push it off and lived in ye Xinglan's villa.

Ye Xinglan's villa was bought after ye Xingbei moved to carve. It is very close to the carving time. Lin Jianlu lives here, which is also convenient for her to go to Yue Yaer for follow-up treatment.

Yue ya'er said that Lin Jianlu's disease needs to be recuperated for a year or two to be no different from ordinary people.

For a year or two, it's neither long nor short. It's inconvenient to always live in ye Xinglan.

So Lin Fu sent someone to inquire about the nearby house.

When Lin Shen was in the forest, he was restless.

He wandered restlessly for dozens of minutes and found his father, "Dad, I want to go back and have a look."

Father Lin looked at him and sighed, "OK, go!"

He knows what his son wants to go back to.

Although his son is here, he thinks of the man who calculated their Lin family in his heart.

Although he has told his trusted subordinates to check this matter, his son attaches too much importance to it and doesn't stare there in person. He can't rest assured.

He can understand his son's mood.

His son hated the man behind the scenes so much that he wanted to find him out at once.

With Lin's father's permission, Lin Shenshi immediately booked a ticket at the latest time and returned home.

As soon as he got home, he immediately called his confidant into the study, regardless of the tiredness of the road: "how? Did you find anything?"

"We found something," his confidant reported, "we found that your aunt and sister once had a daughter who was born in the same year and month as Lin Rao. It is said that the child was given away. We have some doubts that the child said to be given away is Lin Rao."

What their young master told them was difficult and simple.

It's hard to say because the world is so big. If you have bad luck, you may have to check for a long time and can't find key information.

To put it simply, I'm lucky. Maybe I'll find the key things as soon as I check.

Their luck was good. They found the right idea and locked their young master's aunt and the people around her.

After checking some information, they soon found that their young master's aunt's sister had a daughter born in the same year and month as Lin Rao.

When there is no problem, coincidence is coincidence.

But when something goes wrong, the coincidence is most likely for people.

PS: dear ones, it's just two watch today. Take a day off and you should be able to recover four watch tomorrow. Thank you for staying with us all the way. I love you more than my heart, the fastest update of the webnovel!