You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 683

Gu Wuye thinks that the man who bullies his wife is not a good man. Since ye Xiaobei is so angry, he will be a Well, the beast in Royal costume!

He followed Ye Xingbei and went downstairs leisurely.

Ye Xingbei went downstairs and went straight to the kitchen.

Fortunately, maybe I went to bed too late last night, and both misheng and situ Jinse haven't got up yet.

Several chefs in the kitchen are busy, showing their magic power. Breakfast is very well prepared, and there is nothing for her to worry about.

She saw that everything was well prepared. No matter what time misheng and situ Jinse got up, they could have a fresh and hot breakfast. She was relieved and went out of the kitchen to see her son and Ling Yue in the backyard.

Just down the steps of the living room, rain's car came askew.

She was startled and stopped.

Raino opened the door and rolled out of the car.

The leaf Star North frightens three steps two steps to rush down the stairs, rushes to rain Nuo in front: "rain Nuo?"

Rain Nuo is blue and blue, covered with blood, paralyzed on the ground, holding a thermos bucket in his arms.

Gu's bodyguard came around and asked: "rain, what's the matter?"

Ye Xingbei holds Yu Nuo in his arms and looks at his swollen eyes and face that can hardly see the original facial features. His hands are shaking: "Yu Nuo, who will fight?"

"Ye Weiyang and ye Weizhi..." Yu Nuo's mouth was bleeding and he said vaguely: "I and I waited in line for a long time to buy the little cage bag that the young master wanted to eat. Ye Weiyang asked me to give it to him, but I refused. We had a fight. They and they were many No, but... "

He put the heat preservation bucket into Ye Xingbei's arms, and a smile appeared on his face. "I, I snatched the small cage bag back."

There's blood all over the thermos.

Scarlet blood stabbed Ye Xingbei's eyes and her heart.

She deliberately forget the past scene by scene across her heart, a bullying face, in her mind like a lantern, Zhang Zhang in her proud smile.

She trembled with hatred.

The Ye family, they deceive too much!

She shoved the thermos bucket to a bodyguard nearby, handed over raino, turned and rushed into raino's car.

There was blood on the steering wheel, too. She grabbed it and stained it with her hands, but she didn't care about anything.

Back up, turn the steering wheel, turn the front of the car, step on the accelerator to the end, and the car rushes out like a wild beast.

Gu Chi quickly yelled at the Bluetooth headset: "one group, come on, drive the car.

The headset immediately responded, "yes, I'll be right there."

Gu Chi switched the channel: "young master, Yu Nuo was injured by the Ye family, and his wife drove out alone."

He was reporting that several cross-country vehicles had come from the garage.

He ran to the SUV, grabbed the top of the car, slid in, jumped out of the window and sat in the co driver's seat. His words didn't break: "I'm taking a team to catch up."

In the study, Gu Jun shot the computer fiercely, stood up and walked out: "you go first, I'll come later. No matter what happens, don't let Ye Xiaobei be wronged, but also ensure her absolute safety."

Gu Chi shouts: "yes, young master!"

Ye Xingbei drives the car to the top speed, and the car usually flies on the mountain road.

Chi Yu's car and her car are wrong on the mountain road. He sees that ye Xingbei's eyes are cold and his body is full of brake gas.

He frowned and said, "stop the car."

Duanmu Sakura, sitting beside him, asked, "brother Yu, what's the matter?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!