You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6835

After hearing Lin Shen's guess, they were stunned.

Lin Fu's eyes were not only shocked, but also excited and angry.

Excited by Lin Shen's guess, if it is true, the Lin family can completely get rid of Lin Rao.

Angry that if Lin Shen's guess is true, their Lin family has been cheated by the "expert" and Lin Rao these years!

Lin's mother was shocked and doubted, "but how to explain what happened these years? As long as the relationship between Fawn and Lin Rao is good, fawn will not be unlucky and sick. As long as the relationship between Fawn and Lin Rao is bad, fawn will be unlucky and sick..."

If only once or twice, it's a coincidence that she can cheat herself, but it's always the same. She can only believe the words of an expert, hold Lin Rao and spoil Lin Rao. She only hopes that Lin Rao can live in peace with her daughter.

People say that sincerity can change sincerity.

But obviously, this sentence does not apply to Lin Rao.

She loves Lin Rao as her own daughter, and even because she is worried about the safety of her own daughter, in order to coax Lin Rao to treat her daughter better, she dotes on Lin Rao more than her own daughter.

But Lin Rao didn't know how to be grateful. She was arrogant and bossy. She not only quarreled with her children, but also ignored her and her husband.

Not only that, she also has a chaotic private life, greed, money worship and extravagance.

Their Lin family is like Lin Rao's ATM. Over the years, they have spent countless money on Lin Rao.

They have money in the Lin family. If it's just like this, they can bear it for their only baby daughter.

But they can't stand it. Lin Rao wants to marry their son!

Lin Rao's private life is chaotic, her moral character is corrupt, selfish, greedy and grumpy. She can hardly find any advantages in Lin Rao.

Her son is smart, filial, responsible and handsome. Everyone who knows her son praises him.

How can she marry a woman like Lin Rao with such a good son?

She loves her daughter. Yes, but her son is also her own son. She can't sacrifice her son's lifelong happiness for her daughter's happiness.

Lin Rao proposed to marry her son. She lost her temper on the spot and scolded Lin Rao.

But later, her daughter was knocked down from the escalator and nearly fell to death.

It was easy to keep her. Her daughter had a high fever and pneumonia. She was admitted to the intensive care unit and almost couldn't be saved.

Again and again, watching her daughter struggling on the edge of life and death, she was about to collapse, and her son couldn't stand it. He went to find Lin Rao and promised to marry Lin Rao.

Her son came back with an obvious slap on his face.

Her excellent son, who was sensible and obedient since childhood, and she was not willing to move a finger, was slapped in the face by a bad woman.

Her heart is breaking.

If she could, she even wanted to die with Lin Rao.

But she can't.

Lin Rao is dead. What about her daughter?

What if Lin Rao died and lost her hit noble, and her daughter would also die?

She didn't want her son to marry Lin Rao, but she couldn't bear to watch her daughter struggle on the edge of life and death.

Her heart was divided into two halves. Whether she chose the happiness of her son or her daughter, the other half felt as if she had been broken with a sharp blade.

There was too much pain in her heart, so she found her good friend and cried to her good friend.

The people in their family never dare to tell others about these strange things.

They are afraid that if they tell others, others will look at her daughter with different eyes. They are afraid that their daughter will be pointed out and criticized, and even affect the marriage., the fastest update of the webnovel!