You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6836

This time, she was really uncomfortable and couldn't hold on. She found her best friend to pour bitter water.

As a result, ye Zhitong hesitated to tell her that her husband's niece was the same as Lin Rao's birthday.

She was overjoyed when she heard it.

If ye Wuwei's niece's birthday is the same as Lin Rao's, then Lin Rao is her daughter's noble person. Can ye Wuwei's niece also be?

It must be!

After all, she knows that ye Wuwei's niece is Gu Wuye's wife. Both her mother's identity and her mother-in-law's identity are very noble, thousands and hundreds of times more noble than Lin Rao's adopted daughter.

If she and her husband can recognize Ye Wuwei's niece as their daughter, they will save her daughter!

In this way, her daughter can be safe, and her son doesn't have to sacrifice his lifelong happiness to marry Lin Rao's rotten woman!

They say they are in a hurry.

She just went to hospital in a hurry.

She was driven crazy by Lin Rao. As long as she could get rid of Lin Rao and make her sons and daughters safe and happy, she was willing to try any way.

She told ye Zhitong what she thought. Ye Zhitong was very embarrassed and said that she had a bad relationship with Ye Xingbei.

She knows that.

Although she didn't know the specific things, she knew that in the years when ye Xingbei stayed in the Ye family, the Ye family didn't take ye Xingbei out and walk around, and never introduced her to someone familiar with the Ye family.

It can be seen that the child was not favored when he was in the Ye family.

If the Ye family dotes on her, they will certainly give her dignity and let the people familiar with the Ye family know that they dote on this niece. In this way, they can add weight to Ye Xingbei and let Ye Xingbei marry a good family in the future.

But the Ye family didn't do so, which means that the Ye family didn't take her seriously at all.

The Ye family didn't take her seriously. The relationship between the Ye family and her is general, which is reasonable.

She's sorry, but there's nothing she can do.

Back home, she couldn't help telling her husband and son about ye Xingbei.

Her son went to ask ye Xinglan for a visit to the capital today.

Their family came with the last glimmer of hope.

Before coming, she wanted to recognize Ye Xingbei as her daughter and let Ye Xingbei replace Lin Rao.

As long as ye Xingbei agrees, she is willing to pay any price.

However, not long after I came here, I chatted a few words and suddenly talked about a conspiracy.

Her son and ye Xinglan think that an expert is a liar.

Lin Rao was deliberately brought into their house by "experts".

However, if her son and ye Xinglan's guess is true, what's the matter with her daughter's bad luck and infirmity these years?

"If you want to hurt a little girl, isn't it easy?" Gu Junzhu said carelessly: "I was hit by someone on the escalator, fell down and seriously injured. Would you just buy something to hurt people? I was hit by something falling from upstairs. Count the time. When your daughter passes downstairs, just throw it down from upstairs. As for every time your daughter has a bad relationship with Lin Rao, she gets sick..."

Gu Jun hooked his lips one by one: "your daughter lives under the eaves with Lin Rao. Isn't it easy for Lin Rao to make your daughter sick?"

Lin's mother looked at him in shock and almost held her breath.

Lin Shen thought Gu Junzhu's guess was very reasonable. Thinking of these years, their family may have been blinded by the so-called "expert" and Lin Rao. After being a fool and wronged leader for so many years, his angry hands and feet were cold, his face was iron blue, and his heart to kill was gone., the fastest update of the webnovel!