You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6834

The expert helped them find Lin Rao. As long as Lin saw that the deer was not unlucky and in good health, the Lin family felt that Lin Rao was working.

As long as Lin Jianlu is unlucky and in poor health, the Lin family will feel that it is caused by the bad relationship between Lin Jianlu and Lin Rao.

He doesn't think so.

He felt that the Lin family played a psychological role, and Lin Rao didn't play any role at all.

If Lin Rao is really a noble man of Lin Jianlu, after Lin Rao and Lin Jianlu know each other, Lin Jianlu should have changed from before.

But Lin saw that the deer didn't change. He was still often unlucky and sick.

The difference is that when Lin Jianlu was unlucky and ill in the past, the Lin family felt that Lin Jianlu was unlucky and physically ill. After Lin Rao, when Lin Jianlu was unlucky and ill, the Lin family felt that Lin Jianlu offended Lin Rao.

He felt that the Lin family had become possessed and drilled the tip of an ox's horn.

But he never thought that Lin Rao had a problem.

Now, ye Xingbei's casual words gave him a new direction of thinking - if not only an expert is a liar, but Lin Rao also has a problem?

Even, maybe the expert and Lin Rao are together?

When seeing Lin Shen and ye Xinglan's face, Gu Jun looked at Ye Xingbei one by one, with some pride in his elegant and noble smile: "sure enough, my wife is the smartest!"

Ye Xingbei: "

Can she say that she just said it casually at that time?

But then she found something wrong.

There are many coincidences in this world. If the coincidence results in good results, she is willing to believe it is a coincidence.

However, if the result of coincidence is bad, she is more willing to believe that it is man-made.

Lin Rao's business, as long as you think of the word "man-made", you can easily find the problem by following this idea.

Like ye Xinglan, she also believes that there are experts in the world.

But she firmly believes that an expert must be a good man.

Because of the cycle of heaven, bad people will certainly not become very powerful people and die.

Of course, this may be her childish wishful thinking.

But she's willing to think so. No one can stop it, can she?

Anyway, in her fantasy, an expert must be a good man.

Since the expert is a good man, how can he introduce Lin Rao to the Lin family?

What if an expert is not an expert, but a liar?

A liar gave the Lin family a birthday eight characters. The Lin family found the girl with that birthday eight characters in the nearby orphanage.

When these two things are connected, it is easy to get an answer: there is a connection between the so-called expert and Lin Rao.

In other words, Lin Rao is not a noble person in the high population, but an acquaintance of the high people.

In order to send Lin Rao to the Lin family, the expert made up the lie that Lin Rao is the noble man of Lin Jianlu. As long as Lin Jianlu and Lin Rao are together, Lin Jianlu's luck and physique will become better.

Lin Shenshi thought the same as ye Xingbei thought, and he said his guess.

His excited fingers trembled as he said these words.

If the so-called expert is a liar, he doesn't have to marry Lin Rao.

Let him marry Lin Rao rather let him die.

Now he suddenly learned that he could completely get rid of Lin Rao. His blood surged up and his eyes were red.

Lin's father and mother are thinking about how to persuade Ye Xingbei to be their dry daughter. They are not as vivid as Lin Shen., the fastest update of the webnovel!