You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6831

"What's the unlucky way?" Ye Xingbei has long been curious about this problem.

"I had a car accident when I went out, I was stolen, I was knocked down the steps, and the sign on my head fell down and almost died..." father Lin said more than a dozen things at once. "These things I just said may be more than once or twice in my life. My daughter is not. My daughter can encounter such things as this as soon as she goes out, almost from misfortune..."

"No one is spared?" Ye Xingbei opened his eyes. "Is it bad luck every time you go out?"

"Yes," father Lin frowned, "Later, we didn't dare to let our daughter go out. We didn't even dare to go to school. We asked for a tutor at home, but it's not the way to stay at home. Like going to jail, we took her out to play when we felt that the deer was wronged and couldn't stand it. But we took her out to ride a horse. The horse would go crazy, fell her off the horse and took her to swim. Her legs would cramp. If we hadn't been sure Bei, keep staring at her, she will drown... "

Father Lin looked at his daughter sitting between him and mother Lin, and the melancholy in his eyes almost turned into substance.

When Lin Shen saw his father stop talking, he continued, "our family didn't believe in ghosts and gods. It's really unlucky for my sister. It's beyond the normal scope. So one day, my aunt suggested that my mother find an expert for my sister."

"My parents really love my sister. They really found an expert through a friend's introduction..."

When Lin Shen looked at Lin Jianlu, "after seeing my sister, the expert said that my sister's life is precious, but her eight characters are light and can't be pressed. She needs to find a noble to help her."

"The expert gave my parents a set of birthday eight characters, and asked my parents to find the girl born at that time, recognize the girl as a dry daughter, let the girl eat and live with my sister, inseparable, and my sister's disaster can be resolved."

Ye Xingbei asked curiously, "so I found Lin Rao?"

"Yes," said Lin Shenshi "It was found in an orphanage near our house. The expert said that she found the child born at that time and wanted to eat and live with my sister. My parents thought that it must be difficult to operate children with parents, so they went to the orphanage first. Our family checked more than a dozen orphanages before finding Lin Rao... Of course, her name was not Lin Rao at that time. Lin Rao was our family After adopting her, change her name. "

"That's quite a coincidence," said Ye Xingbei. "Orphans usually don't know their birth date. You're lucky to find children who meet the requirements of experts after only looking for more than a dozen orphanages."

Ye Xingbei didn't think too much, just a casual sigh. Lin Shen was stunned after listening to it.

Not only was he stunned, but ye Xinglan also noticed something wrong.


Most orphans don't know their birthday.

How come the Lin family only found more than a dozen orphanages and found children who met the requirements of experts?

Lin Shen didn't believe in ghosts and gods, but when his family adopted Lin Rao, he was still a child. His parents didn't work with him and wouldn't discuss with him. He didn't know many details.

All he knew was that one day, their family had another sister of the same age as his sister.

His parents named the girl Lin Rao.

His parents told him that Lin Rao was also his sister and asked him to be good to Lin Rao., the fastest update of the webnovel!