You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6832

His sister Lin Jianlu was a gentle and lovely little princess. He liked his sister very much. He thought Lin Rao would be a lovely child like his sister, so he accepted Lin Rao without any resistance.

When Lin Rao came to their Lin family, she was only nine years old. She was very beautiful. When she first arrived at his family, she was introverted and cautious. She didn't like talking, gentle and shy. Her family liked her very much.

Most importantly, after she arrived at their Lin's house, his sister was really out of luck.

His parents were so happy that they regarded Lin Rao as a little lucky star and loved her as their own daughter.

From childhood to childhood, Lin Rao had everything he and his sister had. His parents never treated her badly because Lin Rao was not born.

If this is the case all the time, the Lin family will have a daughter, which is also very good.

It's just a girl. It won't shake the foundation of the family. With their Lin family property, let alone raising more than one girl, even if they raise dozens or hundreds more, there won't be any problem.

But the premise is that the girl has to know.

Lin Rao had just arrived at their Lin family for a few years. Like his sister, she was a good girl.

The two sisters eat and live together, go to school, go to school, eat and play together. They even sleep in the same bed at night. Their feelings are better than their own sisters.

However, gradually, I don't know when Lin Rao changed.

Become vain, pinch sharp, like to be jealous and greedy for money.

Obviously, his sister Lin Jianlu is the real eldest miss of the Lin family. Lin Rao wants to press his sister everywhere.

She is also very greedy. She often finds excuses to ask his parents for money, jewelry, clothes, and even real estate and shops.

His parents are willing to give her clothes, shoes, jewelry and bags, but they don't want to give her real estate and shops.

If Lin Rao has been clever and filial, when she gets married, these things will not be without her.

However, Lin Rao asked for it himself, which disgusted his parents.

His parents refused to give it, and Lin Rao became more and more rebellious and disobedient.

She began to stay up all night, make some bad boyfriends outside, and even conceive a child and have a clandestine abortion.

His parents were angry and unyielding. They educated her many times and she never changed.

His parents gave up, ignored her, began to control her money and refused to spend so much money as before. She unexpectedly put forward a request that shocked the whole family - she wanted to marry him and be the young lady of the Lin family.

He slapped her angrily on the spot.

Others don't know her. Doesn't he know her yet?

She has a dissolute private life. She claims to be the princess of the Lin family. Like the ancient princess, she raises some fresh meat and hugs her left and right.

Even play crazy, forget contraception, pregnant with a child and have an abortion.

Such a woman wants to marry him and be the young lady of the Lin family!

He was so angry that someone kicked her out of the house.

But not long after he drove Lin Rao out, his sister began to have bad luck. On a serious occasion, she was hit by someone from the escalator, rolled down from it and almost fell to death.

It's so easy to recover from trauma. I caught pneumonia again. I had a high fever for more than half a month. I almost couldn't save it.

Her mother is worried about her sister every day and washes her face with tears.

He had no choice but to find Lin Rao back to the Lin family.

When he went to find Lin Rao, Lin Rao gave him two slaps in the face.

He has never been so humiliated in his life, but he endured it for his sister.

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