You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6830

He would change the subject, "but I can't replace you when you are pregnant. When the baby is born, I'll wrap it all up. Our nephew has it all, and our sons have it all. At that time, a group of people will turn around our sons and let them take care of our sons. Just watch and don't let them abuse our sons. Don't do anything!"

"You talk a lot!" Qi Fuliu said helplessly, "fortunately, you still know to pause. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll suffocate."

Ye Xingli: "... Am I so stupid?"

No wonder Qi Fuliu dislikes him. Ye Xingli's words are really many.

Fortunately, however, he talked a lot and the scene was not cold and embarrassing.

After chatting for more than half an hour, Qi Fuliu suddenly stood up and said to Ye Wuwei and ye Zhitong, "Dad, mom, you are tired on the way. Let me take you next door to have a rest first?"

"Yes, yes, yes," Ye Xingli echoed. "Mom and Dad, Ah Fu has prepared your room for you. Go back and take a bath, sleep and have a rest. Let's have a good reunion dinner!"

Qi Fu Liu and ye Xingli took Ye Wuwei and ye Zhitong away.

After the four of them left, Lin's mother looked at Lin Rao: "Rao Rao, your first time to the capital, let the bodyguards take you out."

"I won't go," said Lin Rao with a delicate mouth. "I'm tired. I also want to take a bath and rest."

"I booked a hotel for you," said Lin Shen involuntarily, calling his bodyguard in, "take her to the hotel."

Lin Shen's bodyguard knew that their young master's tolerance for Lin Rao had reached the limit. He lost his respect for Lin Rao in the past. He grabbed Lin Rao's arm and dragged Lin Rao out who didn't want to leave.

Lin Rao's unyielding cry faded away.

Lin's father wiped his face and smiled bitterly, "let Mr. Gu and Mrs. Wu laugh."

"It's really funny," said Ye Xingbei, who just wanted to speak and was cut off by Xie Jinfei. "If I remember correctly, what I just introduced is that she is your adopted daughter? Your Lin family is also a dignified figure. How can you teach your adopted daughter so unruly?"

Reasonably speaking, Xie Jinfei shouldn't talk like that.

When it comes to the Lin family's face, it really doesn't give the Lin family face.

But who upset him?

The Lin family's plan, he listened to Ye Xingbei and told him.

A man suddenly appeared. He had no friendship with their family before. Suddenly he wanted to be his sister's father and mother.


There is no such cheap thing in the world. You can be a parent to whoever you want. Don't have children. If you see a good child, you can be a parent to others.

Lin Fu saw that Xie Jinfei had a problem with the Lin family and knew why Xie Jinfei had a problem with them. He smiled bitterly, "Xie Er Shao was right, which made us wrong. We didn't educate Lin Rao well..."

"Don't blame my parents," Lin saw the deer sitting straight and guilty: "my parents are for me..."

She bit her lower lip and clenched her fist. "It's me who didn't work hard and implicated my parents..."

"Don't say that!" Mrs. Lin patted her arm, "you don't want to..."

Father Lin looked at his wife and daughter and sighed: "my daughter has been clever and sensible since childhood. Maybe parents think their children are good. I also think my daughter is the best child in the world, but I don't know when my daughter has been unlucky and ill...", the fastest update of the webnovel!