You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 682

The next day, ye Xingbei was still asleep, his neck itching.

She was so sleepy that she closed her eyes, waved her hand and caught her wrist.

The finger was put between the teeth and bit gently.

Ye Xingbei struggled, closed his eyes and muttered: "don't make trouble. I'm still sleepy. I'll turn my face again..."

"Ye Xiaobei..." Gu Junzhu blew in her ear: "it's daybreak. I got up. Didn't you say that you would get up early this morning to make breakfast for our new comer?"

Ye Xingbei "Shua" opened his eyes, "yes, I said I would make breakfast for Xiaomi and Jinse this morning."

Usually, she can sleep until she wakes up naturally and wants to get up at some time, but not today.

Last night, misheng and situ Jinse stayed at home. How can she get up later than her guests?

Moreover, in order to show her warm welcome to misheng and situ Jinse, she had planned to get up in person to prepare breakfast for them this morning.

"What time is it?" She quickly went to see the time, "it's more than five? It's time to start. "


She lay down in Gu Jun's arms, put her arms around his neck, sleepy: "can I apply not to be a good little aunt? I don't want to get up. "

"Yes," Gu Jun stroked the back of her head and bowed his head to kiss her: "there is a cook at home, and you don't need to make breakfast for anyone. Moreover, just now, little sapling said that he wanted to eat the small cage bag of Taihe building this morning. Yunuo has already queued up for him to buy it. I told Yunuo to buy more, and we are very sincere to entertain our family's charming guests with the breakfast of Taihe building. ”

Ye Xingbei raised his face and opened one eye with a crack: "did the little tree get up so early?"

"Well," Gu Jun chuckles, "it's five o'clock. Snow takes him and Ling Yue to the backyard to practice martial arts."

"This is the power of example," Ye Xingbei sighed with emotion, closing his eyes. "Before, Xiao Shumiao was a lazy pig. No matter what time he was called to get up, he would hum and haw with his quilt. Since he went to bed with Xiao Yue, he went to bed early and got up early every day."

"The power of example?" Gu Jun poked her face: "I want to sleep with you every day. Why don't you want to sleep with me instead?"

“……” Ye Xingbei has no expression: "player Ye Xingbei doesn't want to talk to you, and throws a rotten egg at you!"

Gu Jun chuckles, rubs her head and kisses her: "do you want to sleep again?"

"Don't," Ye Xingbei stretched out and sat up. "It's getting late. It's time for rain to come back. I'll go to the kitchen to see if there's anything else to prepare."

"Well behaved, ye Xiaobei, my father is right. You are a good wife and mother!" Gu Junzhu tried to kiss her again with admiration.

Leaf Star North white he one eye, ignore him, get up to wash.

Hit a stick to a sweet jujube or something, she will also use it when managing the company, she won't eat it!

No matter what she does, she should try her best to be the best. This is her rule in dealing with people.

What's more, no matter Gu Junzhu or other family members are very kind to her. Of course, she has to show 120000 sincerity in return.

She washed well and took care of herself. When she came out of the dressing room, Mr. Gu also changed his clothes.

The morning light enters through the window, sprinkles on his body, and spreads a thin halo on him. A young man at the end is like a jade world.

Ye Xingbei praised: "what a beast in clothes!"

Gu Junzhu took her into his arms and bit her ears: "it's good to be a beast in clothes. In fact, I prefer to be a beast without clothes..."

“……” Ye Xingbei pushed him away with a finger against his chest, and his face was expressionless: "you don't want to be shameless. You are invincible. Gu Wuye, you win! I'm willing to give up! "

"That's," he said with a smile in his eyes. "You're not always down here..."

Ye Xingbei

If she said one more word to Gu Wu Ye today, she would be a pig!

In Gu Jun by foot on a foot, push people away, she slammed the door away.

Mr. Gu touched his chin: is it too much?

But teasing Ye Xiaobei is too much fun. He can't help it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!