You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6823

Fortunately, the second room doesn't have to start a family, otherwise the Secretary's family will finish sooner or later.

My dear nephew looked at it and vomited bitterly. The most important thing is that Gu Wuye came back and Xie Jinfei ran away.

Seeing that her second brother almost ran away, ye Xingbei was funny and sad for her second brother. He took Gu Junzhu's arm and scolded him: "can't you treat my second brother better? He is my second brother. Can you give him some face?"

When his second brother can't see Gu Wu ye, he likes to take advantage of his mouth and calls Gu Wu Ye "brother-in-law".

Seeing Mr. Gu, she was not only called "brother five", but also the mouse was like a cat. She didn't even see it.

Whose uncle is so sad?

Her second brother has a good temper and likes bullying. Someone else has long complained that Mr. Gu is bullying others.

"You forgot how he beat and killed you when you first met him?" Gu Junzhu took her into his arms and kissed her. "How much did you suffer that day? If I hadn't arrived in time, your face would have been ruined!"

His wife has a good temper. Xie Jinfei changed her mind and became a good brother for a few days. His wife forgot that Xie Jinfei bullied her.

He didn't forget.

Xie Jinfei pressed his wife and asked Xiang Bingzi to slap his wife. If he hadn't arrived in time, Xiang Bingzi's knife would have cut his wife's face.

As long as he thought of that scene, he was angry.

Is the stain white after washing?


There is an ink idea on the white shirt. If you wash it again, you will leave traces.

His wife is magnanimous. He forgets when he says he forgets. He doesn't care about the past. He's not as magnanimous as his wife.

I didn't clean him up properly. Just because he is his wife's brother, do you want his good face?

Dream faster!

Ye Xingbei: "

She felt that he was kind-hearted and that Gu's careful eyes were funny.

But anyway, Gu Wuye was careful because he loved her and couldn't see her wronged.

Her second brother probably knows why Gu Wuye doesn't like him. He's gloomy when he sees Gu Wuye. He doesn't dare to have any opinions at all.

forget it.

Since neither of the two parties felt anything wrong, she let it go.


What else did she want to say? Her cell phone rang.

It's ye Xinglan.

She connected her cell phone and put it in her ear: "brother LAN?"

"Beibei," ye Xinglan said, "are you asleep?"

"Not yet," Ye Xingbei asked him, "what's up, brother LAN?"

"Yes," said Ye Xinglan, "I told you before that we would go back after the little fish and the full moon feast. Now the plan has changed. I booked a ticket and arrived in the capital around two o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh," Ye Xingbei asked, "why is the trip suddenly ahead of schedule? Is brother LAN coming to the capital to do business? Will brother Li and sister ah Fu come back with you?"

"Go back together," said Ye Xinglan. "I have a friend who wants to ask you for help."

Ye Xingbei asked, "what's busy?"

Ye Xinglan is stuck.

He was silent for a while before he said, "this thing sounds mysterious..."

"Fantasy?" Ye Xingbei didn't understand. "What's a fantasy method?"

"It's a long story," ye Xinglan simply explained. "I have a friend. He has a sister. She was born with many disasters. She was very unlucky. Her parents were forced to have no choice. She asked a master to calculate for her... I won't tell you the truth that the master said, and I'll tell you the result...", the fastest update of the webnovel!