You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6824

Ye Xinglan didn't want to say what the master said because he didn't believe it.

He didn't want to instill those ideas into his sister.

He omitted a lot of things and said concisely: "in short, the eldest brother introduced a girl to my friend's parents, asked my friend's parents to accept her as a dry daughter, and let the girl eat and live with my friend's sister."

"After that, my friend's sister really wasn't so unlucky."

"Is there such a strange thing?" Ye Xingbei thought it was incredible.

She believes in cause and effect, destiny and the cycle of natural reason, but she doesn't believe in this kind of thing.

There may be some contradictions, but people themselves are contradictory.

She is also contradictory.

"It's true," said Ye Xinglan. "You should know my friend, too. When Lin Shen was young, his sister called Lin Jianlu."

"Well," said Ye Xingbei, "yes."

But not familiar.

After all, when she was in the Ye family, the Ye family took her as a person who couldn't stand the stage. They never introduced her to the outside world and didn't let her participate in communication. She only met a lot of people and couldn't talk about friendship.

Ye Xinglan also knows this, so every time he mentions these things, he is particularly embarrassed.

Ye Xingbei has lived in their house for so long, but he is not familiar with his friends at all.

After all, it's because he didn't take ye Xingbei as his beloved sister and never introduced Ye Xingbei to the people in his circle.

Now want to come, in addition to regret or regret.

He wants to say sorry again.

But suddenly said sorry, embarrassed and hypocritical.

For a moment, his brain was blank and he lost his language.

The most embarrassing relationship in the world is probably the relationship between him and ye Xingbei.

He knew that he couldn't do well before, wanted to change, and wanted to be good to his sister in the future, but every time he saw his sister or his sister on the phone, he was ashamed. He was embarrassed and wanted to turn around and leave, or hang up immediately

He stopped talking. Ye Xingbei wondered, "brother LAN?"

"I'm..." he sighed silently and continued: "well, the adopted daughter of the Lin family is Lin Rao. When Lin Rao was just adopted by the Lin family, she was obedient and obedient. The Lin family treated her very well, but later she didn't know where to know. When Lin saw the deer leave her, she was unlucky. Her character became worse and worse. She not only bullied Lin Jianlu, but also made the idea of Lin Shenshi and wanted to marry Lin Shenshi..."

"Oh... Listen, it makes people angry," confused Ye Xingbei. "Brother, can I help the Lin family?"

Otherwise, what's her big brother doing talking so much about the Lin family at night?

"Yes," ye Xinglan said directly without ink, "Lin Shen's mother river. My mother was handed in a handkerchief and had deep feelings. The Lin family was disturbed by Lin Rao. She was very distressed and ran to our house to cry. My mother was very angry after listening to her story and asked her to drive Lin Rao away."

"But Lin Shen's mother said that the master said that Lin Rao's birthday is good and her life is valuable. Only when she accepts Lin Rao as a dry daughter can she protect Lin and see Lu safely."

"My mother asked Lin Rao's birthday eight characters, and found that Lin Rao's birthday eight characters are the same as you."

Ye Xingbei: "

Why should her birthday be like you, an ungrateful stirrer?

This is her shame!

Ye Xinglan continued: "the meaning of the Lin family, I hope you can be their dry daughter to replace Lin Rao.", the fastest update of the webnovel!