You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6822

Be careful in marriage, especially in second marriage.

After all, divorce is not a good thing. It's better to get divorced once. If you get divorced for the second or third time, you'll feel bad and others will gossip.

Therefore, her second brother's second marriage must be cautious and cautious. After marriage, she must be happy for a long time. She can't go wrong again!

"I think so too," he sighed involuntarily when he thought of stomian.

Ye Xingbei looked at him. "What's the matter? Sighing? Don't you want to go on a blind date?"

Ye Xingbei can't understand her second brother.

Didn't you say Ran Ran was ok?

Why is it like a broken conversation?

"Ran Ran and I came out of the western restaurant and saw sto Mian." Ye Xingbei has a good character. Xie Jinfei is happy to tell her anything. "She said she wants to remarry me."

He sighed: "she hasn't come to me once. She always comes to me. There is a relationship between the Secretary's family and her brothers, and a husband and wife. I can't say too much, but it's not a matter for her to come to me like this..."

He now has a headache when he thinks of Si duomian, but he can't do anything about her.

Ye Xingbei frowned and thought, "let Gu Junzhu talk to her brother? Let her family come forward to restrain her. Since you are divorced, you should draw a clear line. Since you decide to contact Ranran for a period of time, you should keep a distance from her. She is the elder sister of the company. She should take into account the company's face and shouldn't be so obsessed with you."

Xie Jinfei thought, "well... Won't it cause trouble to his brother-in-law?"

Some words are hard for his client to say.

His brother-in-law can say, but it's not a good thing. It's an offence.

"We still need to say this between brothers and sisters?" Ye Xingbei was dissatisfied. "If I'm in trouble, won't you help me?"

"Help! Definitely help!" Xie Jinfei said without hesitation, "as long as your sister asks, I'll do anything for you!"

Their parents are gone. Their brother and sister are the closest people in the world. Of course, they should support each other.

Moreover, his sister is very painful. The longer he has been in contact with his sister, the more he feels that his sister is the most lovely little girl in the world.

Kind, sensible, not weak, can stand up in case of trouble.

Of course he has to protect such a good sister!

"That's the truth!" Ye Xingbei said, "if I'm in trouble, you'll help me. If you're in trouble, won't I help you? Besides, it's not much trouble."

"What trouble?" Gu Jun pushed the door in one by one and saw Xie Jinfei's first sentence: "Why are you here so late?"

Xie Jinfei: "

In fact, this sentence can also be understood as a word of concern for him, which means, are you in trouble so late.

But... He doesn't think so.

He felt that Gu Wuye despised him!

Gu Wuye didn't care about his answer. He walked to the baby's bed in three steps, stared at his baby son for a while, bowed his head and kissed again and again.

Xie Jinfei: "

Ye Xingbei gave Gu Wuye a funny twist and told Gu Junzhu about Xie Jinfei's troubles: "if it's convenient, you can talk to the people in the Si family and let them restrain Si duomian."

Gu Jun nodded one by one, "OK."

The master of the Si family is a sensible man. Si Nuo and his father and brother are also capable people. The second room is a little poor, and the girl he raised surprised him., the fastest update of the webnovel!