You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6812

She smiled happily, "he is very interested in the story of Su Feiyang and Su Feixi. My book is not finished yet. There is a suspense. He was puzzled. He asked me in a private message. After we talked several times, his sister contacted me and asked me if I wanted to date him..."

She pursed her lips and smiled. Her eyes were full of joy. "Of course I promised!"

After hearing this, Wen Chang sighed with emotion: "no wonder the elders like to say that many skills don't pressure their body. It's best to have a skill. The elders sincerely don't deceive me!"

Writing stories is Su Ran's specialty.

This specialty can not only help Su ran become famous and make money, but also help her find a boyfriend.

I am so envious!

Tonight, she can date the man she likes at a glance. Su Ran's happy heart is bubbling. She is too full of joy and wants to share it with others.

She held Wen Chang's arm in her backhand, "Chang Chang, you don't know, he is really very good, gentle, sunny, smiling very warm, and very good at taking care of people. His sister and his nephews like him!"

Wen Chang: "... Hearing this, I have to say that beauty is in the eyes of a lover. Shouldn't his sister and his nephew like him? How can it be an advantage to come to you?"

Su ran: "... Oh, I can't tell you clearly! In short... If he likes me, I'll introduce you to him in the future. You'll know how good he is when you see him!"

Wen Chang blinked, "speaking of this, I also think of a man I think is very good..."

Su ran opened his eyes: "who?... so soon you have someone you like again?"

Su Qi is so miserable!

"What do you mean again?" Wen Chang rolled his eyes. "I don't like Su Qi's scum man at all. Okay? I promised to marry him because of the commercial marriage between Wen family and Su family. If he isn't the young master of Su family, he doesn't deserve to lift shoes for me!"

Su ran: "

She thinks Wen Chang's character is really good.

When it comes to marriage, I'm Frank and not happy at all.

She can't.

Maybe it's because people who like to write stories have more delicate minds. She would rather not marry for life than marry someone she doesn't like.

it is better to leave a deficiency uncovered than to have it covered without discretion.

She would never marry her.

However, a family like them has been instilled by their elders since childhood. Since they enjoy the glory and benefits given by the family, they must bear corresponding responsibilities.

In a family like them, not only girls but also boys can't escape the fate of marriage.

I have to say, from this point, her grandfather and her father are better than many people.

Although they preferred boys to girls, they never said they would let her marry.

Of course, it's also possible that her mother is more powerful.

Her mother loved her and would not allow her to sacrifice her marriage to get married. Her grandfather and her father knew that even if they had that idea, they could not convince her mother, so they didn't say it at all.

In any case, her grandfather and her father never wanted to sacrifice her lifelong happiness for the benefit of the Su family, which she should be grateful for.

She was speechless for a moment and asked Wen Chang, "what kind of man do you like this time? Don't you need marriage?"

"No," Wen Chang raised two fingers. "For me, my grandfather and my father have two expectations. The second expectation is marriage!"

Su ran thought, "the first expectation is to recruit redundancy?"

"Bingo!" Su ran snapped his fingers, "so this time, my grandfather took a fancy to a man who can recruit superfluous people.", the fastest update of the webnovel!