You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6811

There are so many good men in the world. Life is short and time is limited. There is not enough time to appreciate those good men. Why waste time on the prodigal son who turns back?

Su Qi: "

He especially wanted to stop Wen Chang and ask her if they were still possible.

But he opened his mouth and closed it again.

Intuition told him that the answer must be No.

He'd better not insult himself.

He closed his eyes, looked up and breathed foul air, but he still couldn't relieve his depression.

If he knew today, he would stay away from Xia Yan, love Su ran and be a good brother.

But in this world, how can we know today?

After taunting Su, Wen Chang was in a good mood. He saw Su ran with a bright smile on his face.

Su Ran is in her own bedroom. The sofa, tea table and bed are full of clothes and jewelry.

"Ran Ran, what are you doing?" Wen Chang looked around her room curiously: "move?"

"No," said Wen Chang with a embarrassed smile, "my mother bought it for me."

"Wow, aunt bought so many good things for you?" Wen Chang picked up the jewelry box on the tea table and looked through it. She tutted and exclaimed: "aunt has made a lot of money? These jewelry are very expensive!"

It means that these jewelry are very expensive if she can say the word "very expensive".

"It wasn't my mother's money," Su ran thought funny. "My mother asked my father to pay."

"Your money?" Wen Chang couldn't understand it. "Isn't your father son preference? Willing to spend so much money for you?"

She blinked. "Did your father change his sex? Or did he compensate you for Xia Yan?"

"Neither..." Su ran came to Wen Chang's ear and said happily and shyly, "Chang Chang, I'm going on a blind date!"

"Blind date?" Wen Chang stared. "With whom?... with the second young master of the Xie family?"

She and Su ran are best friends. They talk about everything.

Since Su ran came back from the forest, she looked strange. She asked a few words and asked Xie Jinfei's name.

Her good friend has been calm for so many years. She is as sober as a jade. She lives like a young lady in ancient times. Up to now, she has finally enlightened. She has a spring heart and belongs to her. Congratulations!

Unfortunately, she is unrequited. She likes Xie Jinfei, but Xie Jinfei doesn't like her.

She also worried about Su ran. Unexpectedly, Su ran was going on a blind date so soon.

Looking at Su Ran's happy little appearance and thinking with her hair, she was very satisfied with her blind date.

So, it seems that there is no need to guess who Su Ran's blind date is.

Sure enough, Su ran nodded happily. His black and white eyes were shining like stars: "it's him."

"Awesome!" Wen Chang gave her a thumbs up: "how did you turn Acacia into a two-way street?"

Su ran: "... Why are you so metaphorical? You can be a writer like me."

"That's right," Wen Chang took her arm and laughed. "I'm close! My best friend is the God of bestsellers. I can't be too bad, can I?"

She held Su Ran's arm and shook it. "Don't look around and talk about him. Quickly say, how can you turn single lovesickness into two-way street?"

"It's nothing," Su ran smiled. "Didn't I say to send him books? I sent them, and he read them.", the fastest update of the webnovel!