You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6813

Su ran: "... Just now you said that you also like a good man. How did your grandfather like it again?"

"My grandfather liked it first, but I didn't agree," Wen Chang said. "I just thought, what good man is a man who agrees to recruit redundant people? I don't want to marry a soft rice Phoenix man. I hate it when I think about it!"

Su ran was even more confused. "Do you like it or not?"

"Yes!" Wen Chang turned on his mobile phone and showed him the replay of Lin Jiajia's live studio. Pointing to the Gu banquet on the screen, he said, "I ate melons online and accidentally saw this man. He is the man my grandfather chose for me. After watching the live replay, I think this man is handsome and delicious."

She covered her heart. "If such a handsome and delicious man eats my soft rice, I'd like to!"

Su ran; "... isn't this Gu Yan? The chief lawyer of Gu's group."

"Yes!" Wen Chang hugged her neck. "Gu Yan is the chief lawyer of Gu's group and the man I ordered. Your sweetheart is the second brother of the young lady of Gu's group. In this way, we are destined. If we can get our wishes in the future and round them up, we will be a family!"

Su ran: "

Wishes are good, but

"Are you sure Gu Yan agrees to be redundant?" she doesn't think Gu Yan is a man who will agree to be redundant.

This society is said to be open, but in fact, it still looks down on redundant men.

No matter from which aspect, Gu Yan can be called a young talent.

A man like Gu Yan doesn't need any trouble at all.

"Oh, it's my inaccurate expression," Wen Chang said. "My grandfather means that as long as our first son's surname is Wen in the future, others will follow the rules of men marrying women."

Su ran thought, "this condition should not be harsh. If Gu Yan likes you, this requirement should be acceptable."

"But I'm not as lucky as you," Wen Chang sighed. "Gu Yan refused my grandpa. He didn't want to date me."

Su ran: "

It turned out that people didn't even agree to a blind date. Didn't they say so much in vain?

She thought for a moment and comforted Wen Chang: "Chang Chang, you are so excellent that you can definitely find a good boyfriend in the future!"

Wen Chang picked up a piece of jewelry on the tea table and played with it: "but I'm interested in taking care of the banquet now."

Su ran was speechless: "Chang Chang, you know what? You look like a villain who wants to rob people's women!"

"Really?" Wen Chang smiled and raised his eyebrows: "is it particularly charming?"

She stretched out her hand to pull Su ran, wrapped Su ran in her arms and touched her face. "If I'm really evil, I'll rob you first! Gu Yan can be a little lady for me at most. You're my main wife!"

Su ran: "... Do you still want to hug left and right?"

She pushed Wen Chang away, slapped Wen Chang and flew her eye knife. "Fortunately, you are a girl, not a man, or you are not a good man!"

"I'm kidding, I won't be like that!" Wen Chang hugged her shoulder and coaxed her. "If I were a man, I would only marry you. I'd be dead set on you, and I wouldn't look at other men."

Su ran: "... Thank you, but I only like Xie Ershao."

Wen Chang: "

She complained bitterly on her face: "Ran Ran, you are too ruthless. Just assume it. You don't even want to coax me!", the fastest update of the webnovel!