You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6808

Along the melon vine, she ate the melons of Lin Jiajia and Chen Qiuzhi. In Lin Jiajia's live playback, she saw Gu Yan.

She was a little confused when she ate melons on Gu Yan.

After watching the live replay with this ignorance, she felt a little cool.

She was delighted by the way she attended the banquet.

Gu Yan was the blind date her grandfather chose for her.

She refused sternly.

She doesn't want to get married at all.

If she didn't like Su ran, she wouldn't fall in love with Su Qi at all.

Because she liked Su ran, Su Qi's conditions were quite good. She thought that she would have to marry sooner or later anyway. Su Qi's conditions in all aspects were quite good, so she made do with it.

Who knows, she almost married a scum!

Seeing through Su Qi's true face, she hates men even more.

Men don't have a good thing!

She is rich, powerful and beautiful. Why does she have to marry?

Isn't she chic and happy alone?

Why do you have to marry a man who doesn't know whether he is a man or a ghost and live a boring life?

She can do whatever she wants. She doesn't have to worry about being cheated, and she doesn't have to worry about the people beside her bed. It's human on the surface and ghost in the heart. How cool?

So, when her grandfather told her to go on a blind date with Gu Yan, she refused without thinking.

But after watching the live replay, she regretted it.

The man named Gu Yan is so... Smelling.

He looks well-dressed and elegant, like a refined and polite childe like jade, but what he actually does is the sword goes sideways.

Do some rogue things with the most gentle and polite attitude, especially like... Sven scum.

It tastes great, okay?

To poke her heart!

It's much more interesting than Su Qi's arrogant cold wood!

She went back and watched the live broadcast again.

The more you see, the more you like it!

Touching his conscience, Su Qi is actually very handsome. After all, he and Su ran are brothers and sisters of the same milk compatriots. Su Ran is beautiful like a fairy. Su Qi has a brain problem, but his face is still worthy of the audience.

But she didn't dislike Su Qi's face, but she didn't like it.

But the more she looked at Gu Yan's face in the camera, the more she liked it. The more she looked at it, the more she felt that he had a special taste, especially when she smiled and poked her little heart.

Suddenly want to fall in love!

She went to search for other news about Gu Yan with great interest.

After searching for more than half an hour, I didn't find any useful information. I only know that this is the chief lawyer of Gu group and the gold medal lawyer in the industry. After entering the industry, he has won every battle and never lost. It is a myth in the industry.

Such a man is almost impeccable except for his bad background. No wonder he can get into the eyes of her grandfather.

Just, such an excellent man, are you willing to be redundant?

She felt itchy and dialed her grandfather.

Her father was in poor health. After her mother gave birth to her, she couldn't conceive a child again. Her grandfather knew it was her father's problem and never blamed her mother. He doted on her, the only granddaughter. It's not like many old people who value sons over daughters.

The key is that her family is not as heavy as men.

The mobile phone was connected. After chatting with the old man in a coquettish way, she turned the topic to Gu Yan: "Grandpa, did people agree to join the burden on the blind date you mentioned with me last time?"

"It's not a burden," Wen said. "It's just that in the future, you and his first boy will smell the family name and inherit incense for us. For others, it's still the rule that men marry women. You're still his wife at the banquet. He's still the head of the household. Except that the first child will smell the family name, it's no different from other people's marriage!"

Wen Chang asked, "does he agree?"

Wen Laozi: "... He doesn't agree."

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