You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6809

Wen Chang: "he disagreed. What else did you tell me?"

The old man said, "didn't I ask you to use your strength? Women chase men and separate layers of yarn. If you use your strength, he may agree."

Wen Chang: "

"What? Have you seen something on the Internet? Are you interested in Gu Yan?" master Wen said: "if you are interested, go and contact him. I really think the child is good and good in all aspects. As for the first boy's surname, it has no impact on him!"

"He didn't have his surname Gu at first. Mr. Gu has five sons now, and he doesn't care about his son's surname Gu. What's his son's surname? Isn't it right?"

Wen Chang: "

You said everything. What else can I say?

Hearing that the old man said that Gu Yan didn't agree to date her, she hung up her cell phone without interest.

She rolled around on the bed with her cell phone.

Thinking of the Gu banquet in the live broadcast, her heart was like a cat scratching.

Wen family is her only child. She has lived wantonly since she was a child. She must find a way to get what she wants.

Now, she is interested in Gu Yan. It's too difficult for her to put it down.

But let her take the initiative to find Gu Yan

She and Gu Yan don't know each other, so it's not good to find someone else all of a sudden?

The more she thought about it, the more confused she was. She just got up and drove out to find Su ran.

She has many friends, but among all her friends, she likes Su ran best, so Su Ran is her favorite friend.

She was a little noisy, while Su ran was quiet.

She likes to tell Su ran anything.

Su ran was beautiful. He sat there quietly without saying anything. He was a beautiful picture.

Su Ran's mouth is still strict. No matter what she says, she will help her keep a secret. She is the best listener.

Su Ran is still a very assertive person. She doesn't talk much, but as long as she speaks, it must be very reasonable.

She likes to listen to Su Ran's opinions when she is hesitant.

In short, Su Ran is good everywhere in her eyes.

Unfortunately, she is not a man. If she is a man, what about Su Qi and Gu Yan?

She sharpened her head and wanted to marry Su ran home!

She often came to the Su family villa. She was familiar with the road. The doorkeeper didn't stop her or even need the housekeeper to guide her. She went straight to the living room.

Pushing the door into the living room, I actually met Su Qi who came down from upstairs.

Wen Chang rolled his eyes.

Because her ex boyfriend is in Su's villa, she doesn't come to Su's villa. This will never happen to her.

It's not her who does evil things, and she shouldn't be embarrassed to meet.

She's right.

What's embarrassing is Su Qi.

He's not feeling well today. He got up late.

I came down from upstairs and met Wen Chang head-on.

Looking at Wen Chang's delicate and beautiful face, he was in a trance for a moment.

He has had a hard time these days.

After his affair with Xia Yan broke out on the Internet, people who didn't agree with him on weekdays specially called him to laugh at him.

The key is that those people are not cats and dogs. Like him, they are also rich young masters. They are people the Su family can't easily offend.

When the other party called, he obviously laughed at him, but he didn't say so. Instead, he said he cared about him.

It's like this in the mall. As long as it's not a dead enemy, even if it's clearly right for home, you have to be polite when you meet. You scold people secretly, but you have to talk and laugh face to face, as if it's a good relationship., the fastest update of the webnovel!