You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6807

He promised his mother that he would not abandon himself, take good care of himself and live a good life.

He can't break his promise.

However, if Lin Jiajia and Yao Fang are allowed to live a happy life, he can't swallow it.

Yao Fang and Lin Jiajia killed him.

What Yao Fang and Lin Jiajia did did did not violate the law.

Even, they don't need to be punished.

If you fucking die, you can only admit bad luck.

Yao Fang asked him to be the successor. His mother poured the most sincere and profound feelings into the child. In the end, she raised children for other men.

His mother was angry and sad and died in the hospital bed, but Yao Fang took the child, married a rich man, went in and out of a luxury car, surrounded by servants and bodyguards.

If Gu's group didn't find him to cooperate, Yao Fang would be down and driven out of the Miao family by the Miao family. Without servants and bodyguards, he might have no chance of revenge all his life.

Today's scene, he imagined it countless times in his mind.

He knew that if he used a real lighter, it was intentional homicide, and he would be sentenced to a very serious crime.

So he took a fake lighter.

Deliberate murder becomes a threat.

Moreover, things happen for a reason. Yao Fang and Lin Jiajia are wrong first. Find a good lawyer. He can come out soon.

Someone might ask him, is it worth it.

Is it worth sending yourself to prison for two rotten women?

If someone asks him, he will tell them loudly that it's worth it!

Only when he heard them say their crimes and saw their ugly faces exposed to the eyes of the world could he put down his demons and start over.

He let the police handcuff him and saw a cell phone shot at him in the crowd. He looked at the camera of the cell phone and said seriously: "I hope one day, our country can formulate a law. If a woman knows that she is pregnant with the child of another man and wants to marry another man, she will be sentenced and punished..."

"The law may feel that letting a man help raise other men's children is just emotional deception and a housework, but it is a devastating blow to the parties and even their families."

"Yao Fang didn't kill herself, but my mother died because of her, she didn't kill me, and my heart has died because of her. She is more terrible than a murderer, because a murderer will be punished by the law, but she won't."

He is not good at words, his words are incoherent, and his words are not very standard, but his words are very moving.

Soon, Yao Fang and Lin Jiajia went on the hot search again.

Photos of Yao Fang's incontinence in the street were also posted all over the Internet.

At the same time, the words of Fu chenjie were widely aborted.

Yao Fang and Lin Jiajia have become synonymous with shameless aiding tyranny. Their names are widely spread, even more popular than some traffic stars.

Some traffic stars only spread in the circle of young people. The middle-aged and old people don't know their names, but the names of Yao Fang and Lin Jiajia are almost universally known.

Although they were rescued, they felt worse than Fu chenjie.

Fu chenjie may only be sentenced to a few months, and they can't turn over in their life... This melon is too big and hot, and few people haven't eaten it.

Wen Chang also ate it.

She first ate the melon that Yao Fang asked Fu chenjie to be the successor, killing Fu chenjie's mother. She was angry., the fastest update of the webnovel!