You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6786

She slapped the window eagerly. "Son! Son!"

Gu Yan lowered the window. "What else?"

Chen Qiuzhi looked at him pitifully, "son, I can't open the door."

Gu Yan asked her suspiciously, "why did you open the door?"

Chen Qiuzhi's breath stagnated: "I, I want to be with you..."

Gu Yan laughed, "I still want to go to heaven, but it's a pity that I don't have wings."

Chen Qiuzhi: "... Son, you, you..."

"Aren't you afraid of being bullied?" Gu Yan looked at Li Chao and Du Ming: "now someone is protecting you, you don't have to be afraid!"

Li Chao and Du Ming went to Chen Qiuzhi, "Ms. Chen, don't worry, we will protect you!"

Chen Qiuzhi was worried, "son, I..."

"You're afraid of being bullied. For your sake, I hired the best bodyguards to protect your safety," Gu Yan interrupted her. "You gave birth to me, but you didn't raise me, but you gave birth to me, so I gave you back. Now, I give back your kindness. Don't bother me again in the future."

After that, he didn't wait for Chen Qiuzhi to say anything. The window rose, the car started and drove towards the underground parking garage.

"Son! Son!" Chen Qiuzhi was so anxious that she wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Li Chao and Du Ming.

Li Chao grabbed her arm, "Ms. Chen, pay attention to safety!"

"Yes," Du Ming blocked her way. "Ms. Chen, chasing a car is very dangerous. Please pay attention to your safety!"

Chen Qiuzhi watched Gu Yan's car drive into the underground garage.

Gu Zhaoyao didn't leave and didn't end the live broadcast. The camera looked steadily at Chen Qiuzhi.

Chen Qiuzhi stamped her feet anxiously: "what are you stopping me for? I'm going to find my son!"

Li Chaozheng said, "Ms. Chen, since chief Gu hired our brother to protect you, we must ensure your safety. Chasing a car is very dangerous. Please pay attention to your safety and don't do such dangerous things."

In Gu Zhaoyao's live studio, netizens are laughing crazy.

[are these two bodyguards really here to protect Chen Qiuzhi? How do I think they are here to monitor Chen Qiuzhi?]

[I think so too! With these two little brothers, Chen Qiuzhi can't get close to the barrister in the future!]

[such a handsome little brother looks very professional. I don't know how much it will cost to hire them. I always think it's not worth spending money for that shameless woman.]

[it can't be said that Chen Qiuzhi is Gu Yan's biological mother. If Chen Qiuzhi is really killed, it will be a disgrace to Gu Yan.]

[he deserves to be the chief lawyer of Gu's group. That's a brilliant move! It seems that he helped his biological mother, but he didn't do anything in fact.]

[yes! He helped his biological mother hire bodyguards to protect his biological mother's safety. Others can't scold him for losing his conscience. Regardless of his biological mother's life or death, Chen Qiuzhi's life will not change. This move is really brilliant. I'm going to laugh crazy.]

Gu Zhaoyao watched the barrage with a fixed look. Most of the comments from netizens were on the side of Gu banquet. Her hanging heart finally put down. After interacting with netizens for a few minutes, she ended the live broadcast.

Put away your mobile phone, Gu Zhaoyao went to Li Chao and Du Ming and said, "please do your duty to protect Ms. Chen's safety. At the same time, please also respect Ms. Chen's personal freedom. Unless someone threatens Ms. Chen's personal safety, please stay away from Ms. Chen and don't involve Ms. Chen's private life.", the fastest update of the webnovel!