You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6787

Gu Zhaoyao's implication Li Chao and Du Ming listened clearly, nodded seriously and agreed: "please rest assured that our service will satisfy the employer."

Gu Zhaoyao smiled and turned away.

Chen Qiuzhi was stunned.

Unless her life safety is hurt, stay away from her and don't interfere in her private life.

what do you mean?

It means that as long as her personal safety is not threatened, they won't care about her, will they?

She will not care about her food, clothing, housing and transportation, nor will she be given money to spend. Her life will be the same as before without any change.

Then what is she doing for?

She didn't even want to face it. She appeared on the live broadcast and knelt down to stop the car, in order to force Gu Yan to forgive her, accept her and take her back to live a good life.

But now, in exchange for two "as long as her personal safety is not threatened", she is far away from her bodyguards.

What's the use of not giving her food and drink or money?

"No! No! You can't do this to me!" she cried and ran to Gu Zhaoyao, grabbed Gu Zhaoyao's clothes and begged to see her: "you're my son's colleague, aren't you? Please, take me to him. I have no place to live and no money to eat. Please take me to him..."

Gu Zhaoyao pushed her away and despised her: "if you are still a person and have a sense of shame, stay away from him. People like you are dirty at first sight. What face do you have for him to support you?"

"But I'm his biological mother!" Chen Qiuzhi cried, "I gave him his life. Without me, where would he be?"

"That's why you're so hateful!" Gu Zhaoyao said coldly: "as a mother, he didn't shoulder the responsibility of raising children. He was in vain as a mother. He stumbled and grew up. You came to the door to let him support you. If he supports you, isn't it too unfair to those parents who painstakingly raise their children?"

"Yes," said Li Chao, "if you are born without support, and come to your son to support you when you are old, if parents learn from you in the future, just live and don't care, isn't this society a mess?"

Chen Qiuzhi shook her head in tears and kept saying, "it's not like this... It's not like this..."

But let her reason, she can't.

Because she didn't make sense.

It was because she had no reason and was desperate that she threw herself out of her face and found Lin Jiajia. She wanted to kidnap Gu Yan by means of live broadcasting.

Even if Gu Yan hates her in her heart, as long as Gu Yan wants face and gives her some money from her fingers, she can have a better life for the rest of her life.

At least, give her a safe place to live and let people take care of her clothes, food, housing and transportation.

But now, nothing.

She was busy in vain

Gu Yan won't give her money or care about her food, clothing, housing and transportation. How will she live in the future?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she was. She felt sad. Her legs softened and she fell to the ground.

Gu Zhaoyao went to Li Chao and Du Ming, whispered a few words, and turned away.

Li Chao and Du Ming found an unobtrusive place to catch the cat.

After Gu Zhaoyao told them a few words, they were very clear about their task... As long as no one tried to hurt Chen Qiuzhi, such as beating her or trying to kill her, everything else had nothing to do with them.


More than that, there is another thing, that is, you have to look at Chen Qiuzhi and don't let Chen Qiuzhi disturb Gu banquet again.

For them, the task is as simple as one plus one equals two., the fastest update of the webnovel!