You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6785

From the boss?

Lin Jiajia's original chagrin and anxiety added a little tension. She quickly walked to the life assistant and took her mobile phone.

When she put her mobile phone in her ear, she only had time to "feed", and the angry voice across the room sounded like a storm: "Lin Jiajia, what are you doing? Are you crazy? You actually ran to Gu's group to make trouble. You TM want to die. Don't hold the company. You're fired!"

Before Lin Jiajia could say a word, the call ended.

Lin Jiajia was stunned, and his ears were buzzing.

She was fired?

How is that possible?

She's one of the leading figures in the company!

That's all. You fired her without an explanation?

She hit back with trembling fingers.

I can't get through.

Her mind was blank. She couldn't care about the live broadcast any more. She forced a smile and said a few scene words, ending the live broadcast.

She is over, Gu Zhaoyao is not over.

She desperately wanted to escape from the camera, and Gu Zhaoyao's camera steadily aimed at her.

Her hasty anxiety was completely exposed to Gu Zhaoyao's lens, and she couldn't hide.

She wanted to rush over and shout at Gu Zhaoyao and ask Gu Zhaoyao to turn off the live broadcast, but the last sense in her mind told her that if she did that, she would be scolded worse.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that Gu Yan was forced down by her from the car.

At that moment, she was proud.

Even, when she saw the tall and handsome Gu Yan get down from the car, she couldn't help thinking, will she attract Gu Yan's attention because she is so strong and independent, bright and generous?

Gu Yan is the chief lawyer of Gu's group, with an annual salary of tens of millions and looks so handsome. If she can get the favor of Gu Yan

At that moment, she was happy and proud. She felt that everyone was attracted by her eyes and became the focus of the crowd. She was bright and bright.

But now

When Gu Yan was forced to get off the bus, how satisfied she was and how embarrassed she was at the moment.

She suddenly thought, if this is the earthly newspaper, will this retribution come too soon?

She wanted to do something to restore her reputation, but her brain was confused and she couldn't think of any way. Finally, with the help of her assistants, she got into the car and left in a panic.

She left, but the live broadcast was not over.

Gu Yan stood opposite Chen Qiuzhi, calmly waiting for the bodyguards sent by Fang Yao to come.

Chen Qiuzhi looked at Gu Yan pitifully. She looked like she could not take care of herself. She hoped to move Gu Yan, arouse Gu Yan's compassion, and let Gu Yan forgive her and support her.

As everyone knows, the more pretentious she is, the fewer people sympathize with her and the more people sympathize with Gu Yan.

More than ten minutes later, a car sped up and stopped near Gu Yan.

Two tall and handsome men came down from the car, walked to Gu Yan and nodded slightly: "chief Gu, my name is Li Chao and his name is Du Ming. We came at the command of president Fang and are at your disposal."

"Thank you!" Gu Yan raised his hand to Chen Qiuzhi: "that's Ms. Chen Qiuzhi. Please protect Ms. Chen's safety and don't let Ms. Chen be insulted and bullied."

Li Chao and Du Mingqi nodded: "ensure to complete the task."

Gu Yan thanked again and turned to the car.

Chen Qiuzhi quickly followed up.

Gu Yan went to the car, opened the door and got on.

Chen Qiuzhi also wanted to get on the bus, but she couldn't open the door., the fastest update of the webnovel!