You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6784

A conscientious man is willing to give her some money, but that money will not help her debt.

No conscience, treat her as a fly and avoid it.

Her usual weapon failed.

She looked at the mirror and could see that the years were gone and she was old.

After the family went bankrupt, they were frightened and couldn't sleep at night. They were haggard and looked no longer.

Her appearance was discounted, and her always invincible weapon was discounted.

But she had no other way.

She won't fight or quarrel. She only shows her weakness and causes others' sympathy and pity.

But her method doesn't work for Lin Jiajia.

Breaking people's money is like killing parents.

Lin Jiajia tries her best to get rich and climb up, but Chen Qiuzhi conceals the truth, causing her to overturn and be abused by countless people, which may destroy her reputation and career. How can Lin Jiajia be willing to let her go?

Lin Jiajia wants everyone to know that she was cheated by Chen Qiuzhi. She and Chen Qiuzhi are not the same people. She can only operate on Chen Qiuzhi and draw a line with Chen Qiuzhi.

She slapped Chen Qiuzhi in the face. Chen Qiuzhi didn't make any noise. She covered her face and lowered her head. She looked very wronged and burst into tears, as if she had been bullied.

When Lin Jiajia saw her look like this, she was furious. She couldn't control her anger. She slapped her face again, one left and one right. "Who do you pretend to look like this? Are you really weak when you pretend to be weak? You hide the truth, confuse black and white, and make me do something wrong. You pretend to be a weak little white flower. In fact, your heart is black."

She slapped Chen Qiuzhi again and again to whitewash herself and let netizens know that she and Chen Qiuzhi are not the same people and restore her reputation. Unfortunately, netizens are not so easy to fool and don't buy it at all.

[the more you look at it, the more you feel that Lin Jiajia looks like a clown.]

[now you know you've been fooled? Why didn't you check it before you came here? People with red lips and white teeth will be wronged. Fortunately, people are lawyers, clear-minded and articulate. If an honest person with clumsy tongue can't tell the pain, wouldn't she be misled and become a street mouse called by everyone?]

[as a public figure, he should be responsible for his words and deeds. If he doesn't know the truth, he will stand in line casually. Seeing the topic of hot money is like a fly flying over like seeing shit. He doesn't ask right or wrong, doesn't distinguish black and white, and slanders casually. Lin Jiajia has disappointed me!]

Lin Jiajia looked at her assistant with the rest of her eyes.

Her assistant shook her head without a trace.

Lin Jiajia's heart sank straight.


Even if she immediately changed the wind direction and broke with Chen Qiuzhi, she still didn't restore her reputation.

She miscalculated and took the most smelly move.

What do you mean to lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot?

That's her.

She didn't want to end up like this. Her brain turned rapidly and racked her brains to think of a way to turn over against the wind.

Before she came up with a way, her life assistant took her mobile phone and waved to her eagerly.

She has two mobile phones, one for live broadcasting and one for private use in life.

At the moment, her life assistant is holding her private mobile phone.

Seeing her eyes, her life assistant tried to compare her mouth: "it's from the boss!"


PS: today we have a rest day and two chapters. Tomorrow we will restore and update. Thank you for your company all the way. Qun Meida ~, the fastest update of the webnovel!