You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6783

It takes a long time to build a building, but it takes only a moment to destroy a building.

She spent countless efforts and time climbing to today. Her reputation collapsed, but she only spent a live broadcast.


Her reputation collapsed.

Later, when people mentioned her Lin Jiajia, they thought of Chen Qiuzhi's old green tea. Her reputation was destroyed by Chen Qiuzhi.


She is willing!

It's so easy for her to climb to today. She's so quiet. She's unwilling!

Her brain turned quickly. When she saw Chen Qiuzhi, her eyes brightened, she bit her teeth, handed her mobile phone to her assistant and motioned her assistant to continue the live broadcast. She strode to Chen Qiuzhi and slapped Chen Qiuzhi in the face, "Why did you lie to me? It's clearly that you were unkind, unfaithful and unfilial, killed your husband, angry mother-in-law and abandoned your young son. Why did you mislead me and almost let me wrong your son?"

Chen Qiuzhi didn't expect that Lin Jiajia would hit her. She covered her face and endured the grievances. She opened her mouth, but didn't speak. She lowered her head. She looked like she was wronged but didn't dare to distinguish anything. She was submissive.

Netizens are crazy.

[vomit, vomit!]


Grandma! How old are you? Would you like a face

[I don't think she's shameless. She's been pretending all her life. The mask has been pasted on her face and can't be taken off.]

Gu Zhaoyao carefully observed the barrage for a moment and nodded at the banquet.

Gu Yan took out his mobile phone and called Fang Yao: "president Fang, I'm at the entrance of Gu's group's underground garage. I want to hire two bodyguards. The faster, the better."

"OK," Fang Yao thought about the distance, "I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"Thank you!" Gu Yan hung up his cell phone.

The whole call took less than half a minute.

This is why he called Fang Yao instead of Qiao Zui.

According to the truth, Qiao Zui is the young master of the family. He has a closer relationship with him. He should call Qiao Zui.

But Qiao Zui is a chatterbox. If he asks Qiao Zui to hire a bodyguard, Qiao Zui will certainly ask 100000 why.

He didn't want to answer a single question.

Call Fang Yao. It's neat. Why don't you have any.

Chen Qiuzhi was slapped by Lin Jiajia, neither fighting back nor arguing.

In her life, she has been dealing with several men, and every man has her set.

When she is in trouble, when she can't find a reason, and when she feels she has been wronged, as long as she lowers her head, bears grievances and says nothing, those men will naturally love her, find excuses and reasons for her, persuade her and coax her.

She has been a dodder flower for decades.

When dodder flower, it is her only survival ability.

The men who like her all like her. They revolve around her and are firmly held in the palm of their hand by her.

be benefited in every way.

Until her husband went bankrupt and her son went abroad, she was in debt and homeless.

Her husband and son fled and lived in the streets. There was no way but to find a man who used to like her.

But she hasn't been in touch with those men for too long.

Before her husband went bankrupt, she was a comfortable rich wife. She drank tea, tasted wine, exercised and arranged flowers every day. She lived a leisurely and petty life. She couldn't go out and hook up with other men.

She is very satisfied with her life and doesn't want her husband to misunderstand her fickleness.

Twenty years later, I haven't contacted those men for many years. Those men also have wives and children. No matter how hard she begged, those people refused to take her in., the fastest update of the webnovel!