You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6771

In this way, ye Xingbei can also eat downstairs. When he tilts his head, he can see two little ones.

Of course, just this time.

From tomorrow on, ye Xingbei will still have a good month, and the two little ones have to stay with their mother.

Mr. Gu's arrangement today is purely to see more small eyes.

As a father-in-law, he always goes to his daughter-in-law's room.

If his daughter-in-law carries his little grandson into the room, he won't have to see it.

To this end, he specially consulted his health care doctor. His health care doctor gave him the idea of separating them with a screen and keeping them warm. There would be no problem staying in the living room.

Even so, he was reluctant to let the children stay more. After ye Xingbei was full, he asked Gu Jun to send Ye Xingbei and the children back to his room.

In the future, he spent more time watching the children, because he was capricious and made the child sick, so he had to repent his intestines.

When Gu Junzhu accompanied Ye Xingbei and the children upstairs, Mr. Gu was slightly drunk.

The old man has good wine and doesn't make trouble when drunk. He just laughs all the time.

The table was full of his younger generation. He looked at this and that. His joy radiated from the inside out. Obviously, he drank too much wine, but his eyes were brighter than usual and glowed.

In the light, there is joy and hope.

Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei went upstairs with two little ones. He took Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie in his arms, talking to Qiao Zui, yunjue and xiaoshumiao.

Misheng and MuQing occasionally interrupt in the evening, and the family is happy.

Walking to the corner of the stairs, Gu Junzhu looked back and saw his father's kind and satisfied smiling face. His heart was hot, and the corners of his lips couldn't help laughing.

When ye Xingbei saw him suddenly stop, he stopped and waited for him, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing," Gu Jun continued to walk up step by step. "Every time I see my father smiling so happy and satisfied, I feel very happy."

Ye Xingbei chuckled, "is it the same as when your parents raised children? When you were a child, your parents saw your happiness and satisfaction, and they must be very happy. Now, your father is old, you take your father as your responsibility. Seeing your father's happiness and satisfaction, you think you have done well, so you get a sense of happiness and achievement."

"That's reasonable," Gu Jun said, bowing his head one by one, kissing the little one in his arms and doting with his eyes. "I hope they will be as filial as me in the future."

Ye Xingbei: "

Mr. Gu never forgets to praise himself.

But Mr. Gu is also telling the truth.

Mr. Gu is indeed filial.

Nowadays, most children are spoiled and willful. It is common to quarrel with their parents. If they are not happy, it is possible to slam the door and leave.

But Gu Junzhu never lost his temper with Gu Laozi. He didn't get angry once, and his face didn't get red once.

As long as Mr. Gu says what he wants to say, he will try his best to achieve it. He usually coaxes his children and selects what Mr. Gu likes to hear.

Of course, Mr. Gu dotes on him too.

It's just doting to say that doting is not enough.

No matter what Gu Junzhu said, the old man listened, obeyed and never refuted.

The father is good to his son, the son is good to his father, and the two are one, so the father is kind and filial, which is enviable.

At least, she was envious., the fastest update of the webnovel!