You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6770

He said several good words excitedly. His face was red and his eyes were shining out.

At his age, if you want to say what you like best, the answer is only four words: prosperity of children and grandchildren.

His son has two more sons, and he has two more grandchildren!

He was so excited that he didn't sleep well these nights since the two little ones were born.

Strangely enough, he didn't sleep well, but the next day he was very energetic, radiant and not tired at all.

This is probably the spirit of happiness.

A group of people surrounded Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, carrying the children into the living room.

Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie came with us.

Mr. Gu didn't ignore them either. He took one hand and walked into the living room with them.

Although he likes two little ones, he also likes Xiaojiang and Xiaojiang. Thank you.

Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie are the most cute and best time to play. He wants to scratch his heart and liver when he can't see them all day. If he doesn't have time to meet the children, he will make a video with the children and listen to them call Grandpa. He is comfortable all over and can be energetic all day!

Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei took the two little ones into the living room and put them into the stroller. Mr. Gu took Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie in his arms and looked at the two little ones in the stroller without blinking. How do you like them.

After watching it for a while, he looked back and solemnly said to Gu Junzhu, "Xiao Zhu, our family can save any money and save money. That is, we can't save money for bodyguards. Is the money enough? Dad can think of a way for you."

Gu Junzhu: "... Look what you said, Dad, we have a bodyguard training camp. Can we still lack bodyguards?"

He's the head of Gu's group. Can't he afford to hire bodyguards?

Isn't that a joke?

"Just enough," Mr. Gu said earnestly: "Enough money is only one aspect. The most important thing is that you should pay attention to it psychologically. Many people think that today is a society ruled by law. The wind is clear and the sun is bright. There are not so many bad people. Taking bodyguards is cumbersome and there is no privacy. Our children can't do this. You have to remind them all the time that you have to take bodyguards wherever you go, more and the best!"

Gu Jun nodded one by one and was taught, "I know, Dad."

Mr. Gu looked back at the two little ones and sighed silently: "back then, when you and your brothers and sisters were born, you were such a small group... Later, your brothers and sisters disappeared. It was really the same pain as gouging out your heart... Xiao Zhu, you have to look after them... You can't stand the pain..."

Gu Junzhu felt terrible. He squatted down beside the old man and held his arm. "Dad, don't worry. I'll look after them. Don't think about the past. My brothers and sisters are reunited with my mother underground. They live happily together. We also live happily. They can rest assured, okay, dad?"

Mr. Gu breathed out, smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Dad is fine. Dad hasn't seen any big storms in his life? Now that he has come to this day, what else can't dad think of?"

He lived not for himself, but for his children and grandchildren.

As long as he is in one day, his children and grandchildren can live a smooth day, and he can keep them safe and smooth.

In the evening, the family gathered together to celebrate the re import of the family.

Mr. Gu specially asked someone to put a crib in the living room and a screen beside the bed., the fastest update of the webnovel!