You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6772

She was short of love for the first 20 years, but after marrying Gu Junzhu, she had five sons and two brothers who loved her. She was greatly satisfied in terms of family affection. She didn't lack love, but what was the taste of father's love and mother's love? She didn't have a chance to taste it in her life.

This matter, no matter how capable she and Gu Junzhu are, can not be completed.

Father's love, mother's love, she can't get it in her life.

Gu junzhuyou.

She hoped that Gu could live a long life and Gu Junzhu could always enjoy this selfless father's love.

Looking at his happiness, she will be happy.

As if he knew what she was thinking, Gu Junzhu suddenly came to her ear and said, "don't you think the love I gave you is similar to father's love and mother's love except love?"

He kissed her. "You can treat me as your father. I can treat you as a daughter."

Ye Xingbei: "... Go away!"

Why take advantage of her for no reason?

Gu Jun chuckled, "I'm serious."

Ye Xingbei flew his eye knife, "I only know that when people talk hard, they say, I'm your father."

Gu Jun smiled one by one. "Isn't there someone who calls the gold master dad?"

Ye Xingbei: "... Are you my gold master?"

"I'm your husband," Gu Junzhu kissed her again. "Your exclusive ATM is almost the same as the gold owner?"

"Don't make trouble!" Ye Xingbei laughed angrily. "Be honest, drop the child and see if dad doesn't beat you!"

"How can I?" Gu Jun bowed his head and kissed his baby son. "I just fell myself, but I can't fall my son, otherwise I won't mix up?"

When a father falls his son, he doesn't make people laugh?

Is that a possible mistake for his fifth master Gu?

"Hmm..." the sleeping little girl in her arms was harassed and wanted to cry.

"Good, good..." Gu Junzhu bumped a few times and coaxed, "if you don't cry, how can dad fall the baby? Dad's baby son is priceless!"

After being bumped a few times, he probably got a sense of security. Little bit clenched his little fist and fell asleep again.

Gu Jun bowed his head one by one, kissed his little fist, put him on the bed, and his eyes could soak water gently.

Now if someone asks him what is the most lovely in the world, there is only one answer: his son!

People who have never been a father can't imagine how magical the blood connected with their own bones and blood is.

Lovely is like magic. People don't want to do anything. They just want to look at him with good eyes.

Mr. Gu didn't take a holiday some time ago. This time, he got a golden grandson and asked someone to take a week's holiday.

Gu Junzhu accompanied his wife on maternity leave. He hasn't been to the company since his son was born.

He is carefree and happy. He has suffered several vice presidents. He runs to the courtyard almost every day, sometimes several times a day.

Although communication is now developed, online meetings and plans can be discussed online, and more than 90% of the work can be completed through the Internet, there is still a need to meet, discuss, decide and sign after all.

Not only several vice presidents ran to the courtyard, but also Gu Yan.

He is the chief lawyer of Gu's group. Gu Junzhu has to sign many things in his hands.

Apart from several vice presidents, he is the most diligent person who runs to the family compound.

Different from several vice presidents, several vice presidents are tired and unwilling to say more. They hope the boss will return to work soon. He is much more relaxed., the fastest update of the webnovel!