You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6769

Mr. Gu also likes children. His family has money and can afford to raise children. No matter how many children can afford to raise them, it has no impact on the quality of life, but it still has an impact on small saplings.

If there is only one child in the family, xiaoshumiao is a little prince who is loved by thousands of people.

And now?

Not only did she and Gu Junzhu pay less attention to xiaoshumiao'er, but xiaoshumiao'er also helped them take care of their brothers.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt she owed her eldest son.

"Don't think about it," Gu Jun rubbed her head one by one and whispered, "Xiaoshu likes his brothers very much. Moreover, no matter how many children we have in the future, Xiaoshu is always unique to me, the eldest son I value most, and the first in line successor of our family!"

Ye Xingbei smiled, shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

I just don't think it's easy for small trees to coax their children when they are so small.

Gu Junzhu knows that a woman who has just given birth to a child is prone to wishful thinking and melancholy. Isn't that what misheng is like?

Although his wife shook her head and said it was okay, he didn't dare to be careless. Taking advantage of xiaoshumiao, Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie, he held Ye Xingbei's hand and talked with Ye Xingbei, comforting her and broadening her heart.

Ye Xingbei looked at him with a smile and his eyes were sweet and sweet.

Her husband is very kind.

There must be no better man in the world.

She didn't have to say what was on her mind. He knew it.

Only when a person really puts a person in his heart and pays close attention to him all the time can he find everything in detail.

Gu Wuye is the best man in the world!

She couldn't help cuddling up to Gu Junzhu, hugging his neck and sticking her cheek to his heart, "I'm fine. We'll remember to pay more attention to the little tree in the future. Moreover, you're right. The little tree likes his brothers very much and doesn't feel jealous at all. It looks like a long brother."

"Don't worry, I know," Gu Jun patted her on the back one by one. "The little tree is my eldest son and my pride. No matter when, his position in my mind is different from that of other children. I will pave the road for him. Don't worry."

Xiao Jiang, Xiao Xie, and the two little ones born today, he will grow up in the palm of his hand and will not miss every day of their growth, but Xiao Shumiao, who missed the most vulnerable first five years of his life.

In those five years, he and ye Xingbei suffered a lot, suffered a lot of grievances, were scolded, despised and looked down upon.

As long as he thought of those five years, his heart was in pain.

He will make up for all that he owes to xiaoshumiao.

Ye Xingbei and the children stayed in the hospital for three days. On the fourth day, they returned to the family compound.

Knowing that ye Xingbei and his children were discharged from the hospital today, Gu took a special break and waited at home.

He didn't say it, but he didn't know how many times he came out and went in in the morning. Everyone around him knew that he was looking forward to his grandson's coming back quickly.

Finally, hearing the sound of the car, Mr. Gu, who was walking in the yard, immediately welcomed him out.

The car stopped and a guard ran to open the door.

Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei got off the bus with a little girl in their arms.

Mr. Gu rushed over step by step. His eyes fell on the child's face and couldn't move away. He smiled happily: "good, good, good! Good, good!", the fastest update of the webnovel!