You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6768

My brother held his little hand, raised his face and smiled sweetly at xiaoshumiao, which made xiaoshumiao's heart crisp.

He rubbed the baby brother's little head, "three treasures are so good!"

Xiaojiang tugged at the corner of the young tree.

The little tree looked at him and saw him staring at him. He laughed and rubbed his little head, "Er Bao is also good!"

Xiaojiang also smiled, looking at him with big eyes, glittering.

Xiaoshumiao'er loved his brother. Holding one hand, he asked Gu Junzhu, who looked at them with a smile: "Dad, which is the four treasures and which is the five treasures?"

Gu Jun pointed to them one by one: "the four treasures on the left and the five treasures on the right."

The young tree looked carefully, "the four treasures are called little fish, and the five treasures are called you you?"

Gu Jun nodded one by one: "yes."

The young tree asked again, "where's the scientific name?"

Gu Junzhu said, "the four treasures are called Gu Xuanyin and the five treasures are called Gu xuanzhuo."

"Don't you start with Yi characters?" the little tree miao'er didn't understand.

His name is Gu Yiyang, his second brother is Gu Yiyin, and his third brother is Gu Yizhuo. Why didn't the fourth brother and the fifth brother start from the word Yi?

"The scientific names of the four treasures and the five treasures were given by your grandfather," Gu Junzhu explained "According to the genealogy of our family, your generation should take the name from the mysterious word, but when your father was reunited with you, your mother had given you a good name, Yiyang. Later, the two treasures and the three treasures were called Yiyin and Yizhuo. Now there are four treasures and five treasures. On a whim, your father wanted to name the four treasures and five treasures according to the genealogy, and give the four treasures and five treasures dazzling and mysterious names Cut. "

Little tree miao'er thought, "Er Bao, San Bao and I all have a Yi character, Si Bao and ER Bao have the same reference character, and San Bao and Wu Bao have the same carving character. In this way, we are close brothers. It's very good."

It's a pity that he has a different name from four treasures and five treasures.

Gu Junzhu saw what he thought and rubbed his little head. "It doesn't matter what you call it. What matters is that your surname is Gu. Gu Junzhu's gu!"

They are all the sons of his fifth master gu!

Ye Xingbei: "

Mr. Gu, how nice!

Xiaoshumiao looked up at him and smiled brightly, "Dad is right. No matter what their names are, they are all dad's son and Gu Yiyang's brother!"

Ye Xingbei looked at her eldest son with a smile and sighed that her eldest son had grown up.

In the past, when people asked him his name, he would answer Meng Meng, my name is Xiaoshu.

Now, when he introduces himself, he always says, my name is Gu Yiyang.

It is only a small change, but it has explained the change of his mentality.

He is eager to grow up.

In other words, he felt that he had grown up and was no longer an ignorant child.

But in fact, he is still very young, not ten years old.

I don't know if it's because he has a brother. He puts himself in the position of brother and always wants to take care of his brother, so he forces himself to grow up and mature.

On such a thought, she felt that she owed her eldest son

Her eyes were so focused that Gu Junzhu noticed.

He and ye Xingbei know each other too well. When ye Xingbei looks at each other, he knows what ye Xingbei is thinking.

He walked over, took Ye Xingbei's hand and asked softly, "is it another wishful thinking?"

Ye Xingbei smiled and shook his head.

It's not wishful thinking, it's a real feeling.

She likes children, especially, so although Sibao and Wubao were accidentally conceived, she did not resist at all and happily accepted the fact that she was pregnant again., the fastest update of the webnovel!