You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 676

She is awkward, and so is Ye Xingbei.

How can she become the little aunt of so many people?

Can't hurt!

Her heart was full of tears, but she kept smiling. After chatting with misheng and situ Jinse, she sent them to the guest room.

Xiao Qiao is so poisonous that he omits situ Jinse directly on the phone, but he doesn't mention it.

Fortunately, there are plenty of rooms in the manor, and ye Xingbei quickly arranges a guest room for situ Jinse next to misheng.

After all the people are settled, ye Xingbei feels tired and paralyzed. Suddenly, he has an idea in his heart: it's hard to be a housewife!

She hasn't been asked to do physical work yet. If she has servants, she can't worry about it.

She went to Lingyue's room to see her son and Lingyue.

The two kids were tired of playing during the day, and they fell asleep after taking a bath at home.

The calf of the little tree is on Ling Yue's waist. His head is inclined to the end of the bed. He sleeps like a pig.

Ye Xingbei smiles, kisses him and moves him back to the pillow.

The little guy turned over and didn't wake up. He grunted discontentedly. He curled up and continued to sleep. The cute Ye Xingbei looked at him for a long time, then reluctantly turned off the light and went back to her bedroom with Gu Junzhu.

After taking a bath, he changed his pajamas and lay on the bed. Ye Xingbei rolled comfortably with a blanket in his arms and soon fell asleep.

After ye Xingbei goes upstairs, Gu Junzhu deals with some company affairs on the computer. When he gets back to his bedroom, ye Xingbei is fast asleep.

Mr. Gu is very sorry.

He thought that this time he came to Y country, in addition to avenging for rain, he also thought that he would spend his honeymoon with Ye Xiaobei.

Now it's good. Huatianli didn't make mistakes several times. He didn't enjoy it, so he opened Longmen Inn at home.

There are more and more guests at home. What about Mao's honeymoon?

He took a bath, lying beside Ye Xingbei, pulling Ye Xingbei's ear, "Ye Xiaobei, do you mean it, eh?"

Ye Xingbei closed his eyes and waved his hand like a fly. He turned over and fell asleep again.

Gu Jun by low smile, bent over to kiss her, took out the mobile phone to Gu Chi sent a message.

Forget it.

Don't wait for Chi Yu.

Wait for Chi Yu to make a move, he still can't hold back to come out sick?

Tonight, we will solve Chi Zhen's problem, find out the whereabouts of shimuqiao, and cure Chi Qing's illness, so he can take ye Xiaobei back to Jiangcheng.

He also arranged a surprise for ye Xiaobei in Jiangcheng. As a result, because he came to Y country in a hurry, the surprise plan had to be shelved.

When he goes back, he immediately takes Ye Xiaobei.

Let Ye Xiaobei surprise, he can hold Ye Xiaobei so, so, so again.

When ye Xiaobei is in a good mood, he is very soft. He can also take the opportunity to put forward some postures that she usually won't agree to.

Well, I'm looking forward to my sex after returning to Jiangcheng.

So we must cut the mess quickly and solve the problem of delayed vibration.

Soon, Gu Chi returned his message: "yes, young master!"

After replying to the information, Gu Chi doubted his life.

This time, the orders given by the young master of their family are very simple and crude, which is not like the style of the young master of their family.

What happened to their young master?

Gu Chi can't understand, and the unfortunate Chi Zhen will never know. The reason why he became the first one to be solved by Gu Wu ye in a very simple and crude way is because of the disaster of the pond.

Gu Wuye, who had been unhappy all night, went back to his room and his wife fell asleep. He didn't even get a regular meal. Gu Wuye had a bellyful of anger, but his wife couldn't vent her anger when she fell asleep, so he had to do something else.

As a result, Chi Zhen was unlucky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!