You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 675

Qiao drunk beautiful peach blossom eyes glanced at her, lips high, with a little unspeakable pride, "millet to participate in weight-bearing training, suddenly stomachache, is I put millet back to the camp, between me and millet and other instructors and students is not the same, we are suffering from difficult friendship, I said right, millet?"

Misheng was embarrassed and nodded slightly. He said hello to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei. His face was red.

She thought of her military training load pull training, just big aunt came, stomachache half dead, really can't hold on, fell on the mountain road.

Drillmaster Qiao thought she was seriously ill, so he carried her on his back and ran to the camp for several kilometers at a time.

She really can't bear to see Joe drunk anxious appearance, endure shame whispered her why stomachache and Joe drunk said.

She lay on Joe's drunk back and saw with her own eyes that Joe's ears were getting red.

At that time, she thought, looking at the drillmaster Qiao with a pair of amorous peach blossom eyes, as if he was very romantic, she didn't expect to be so pure.

Many boys in their school can buy sanitary napkins for their girlfriends without blushing and heart beating. The instructor Qiao's ears turn red when he hears the word "holiday".

Has been carrying her on the mountain road running, still keep comforting her Joe drunk, next did not say a word.

After carrying her to the camp tent, he went out.

After a while, he came back, handed her a cup of thick brown sugar water, told her to have a good rest, and then he went back to the team.

After that, she and Joe had never been alone again.

After the military training, the instructors left school. She never saw Joe drunk again.

But that long a pair of peach blossom eyes, looking at romantic, amorous uninhibited, but in fact to the critical moment, particularly reliable Qiao drunk instructor, left an indelible mark on her heart.

Every time she saw someone carrying someone on her back, she would think of her crouching on Qiao Zui's back, and Qiao Zui's galloping.

He is very tall, but not stout and burly, but a standard inverted triangle figure with wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. He looks a little slender, but his back is very thin and strong, and his explosive power is amazing.

He and Fang Yao are the most handsome of all instructors. After a long military training, she can always hear the girls talking about him and Fang Yao.

She can often think of Qiao Zui, and wonder if she has a chance to meet Qiao Zui again.

She had quietly thought that if she could meet Qiao Zui again in her life, she would invite Qiao Zui to have a good drink and thank him for his love of brown sugar water.

As a result, she did meet Joe again.

The lavender in country y is just in time. She and her best friend, situ Jinse, came to see lavender in country y. they just came out of the bar and were harassed by little gangsters on the street. Qiao Zui and Fang Yao just came out of the bar and helped them out.

It's very exciting to meet an old friend in a foreign country, not to mention that old friend is Qiao Zui, who has been missing for more than two years.

When Qiao Zui invited her and situ Jinse to come home for the reason that it was not safe for two single girls to live outside, she agreed without hesitation.

She was afraid that this separation would be the same as last time, and that she would never hear from her again.

She called "little uncle" and "little aunt" along with Qiao Zui, Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, and her face was very red.

She didn't expect that Joe's little uncle and aunt were so young.

Especially his "little aunt". Maybe she is younger than her?

But Joe's drunken rules call little aunt, she is also embarrassed to call sister, can't take advantage of Joe's drunkenness, right? , the fastest update of the webnovel!