You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 677

In the early morning, the moon was dark and the wind was high.

Chijia villa.

In the bedroom, Chi Zhen is sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, a strange noise woke him up.

He opened his eyes and saw someone by the window.

He sat up abruptly. "Who?"

I don't know when the curtain was opened. By the dim light in the yard, he saw the face of the man by the window - shimuqiao.


He opened his eyes in horror and shook his head subconsciously: "no It's impossible You, who are you? "

"Don't you know me?" Shimuqiao walked slowly to his bed, bent down and looked at him with frightened eyes: "do you see clearly now? Who am I? "

"No It's impossible It's impossible... " Chi Zhen shook his head nervously and pinched himself: "I'm dreaming! I must be dreaming

He closed his eyes and opened them again, muttering to himself: "Chi Zhen, you are dreaming! Wake up, you are dreaming

"You're not dreaming. It's true," shimuqiao stood up and said, "Chi Zhen, I'm not dead. You killed the wrong person."

"No No way Chi Zhen's eyes widened in horror, staring at shimuqiao's face: "impossible It's impossible... "

"Facts speak louder than words!" Shimuqiao shrugged: "am I not standing here? Since I'm not dead, it's not me, so You killed the wrong man

"No way It's impossible... " Chi Zhen was so miserable that he shook his head: "I can see clearly How is that possible? "

"Third brother," the curtain moved. A girl came out from behind the curtain, went to Chi Zhen's bed, stood side by side with Shi Muqiao, and took Shi Muqiao's arm: "ah Qiao told me that you let him seduce me and deliberately hurt me Third brother, my illness is cured, I also found a bridge, I bring a bridge, just want to ask you, why do you want to let a bridge harm me? "

Chi Zhen's eyes opened wider: "sunny? How are you? Did that doctor really cure you? "

"Yes," Chi Qing took shimuqiao's arm and put her head on his shoulder. "Third brother, tell me, why did you let ah Qiao hurt me? You are my brother

"What are you doing?" Chi Zhen suddenly jumps to the ground and pushes Chi Qing away from Shimu bridge. He slaps Chi Qing in the face: "he hurt you, and you still like him! You bitch

"I like ah Qiao," Chi Qing said, covering her face and looking at shimuqiao with deep affection. "No matter what ah Qiao does to me, I like him."

Chi Zhenqi trembled: "you are crazy, you are crazy, you are crazy Go to hell, all of you

He didn't know when to touch a knife and dagger in his hand, and suddenly burst up and stabbed at the division screen bridge.

Shimuqiao grabbed his wrist and twisted it.

He gave a scream and the dagger landed.

Shimuqiao grabbed him by the wrist, twisted his backhand and pressed him against the wall.

The light suddenly came on and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, his uncle Chi Yue and cousin Chi Yu stood not far away from him, looking at him coldly and angrily.

He hit a fierce spirit, and turned his head to look at the "division screen bridge" twisting his arm.

"Shimu bridge" gave him a smile, and he immediately saw that it was not a Shimu bridge, but a man who was somewhat similar to the Shimu bridge in length and made up deliberately.

Go to see Chi Qing again.

Chi Qing is also a fake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!