You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6750

Joe Zui:... A man surnamed Si is looking for death! Fight alone tomorrow. If it's a man, just say it!

Chu Dingbang: Congratulations, brother five, sprinkle flowers! By the way, make a reservation for onlookers to fight alone.

Lu Shiqiu: onlookers single challenge + 1

Ning Huaijing: Congratulations, brother five! Sprinkle flowers, and onlookers pick + 2.

Snow: what? What did you say just now? I just dropped the line. I didn't receive any messages from you.

Yunjue: congratulations to my little uncle and aunt! Scatter flowers! Scatter flowers! Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie are very good. They played well with me. Don't worry, little uncle.

PS: brother Nuo, my cousin said he would fight with you alone. You can decide the place. I'll drive to pick you up tomorrow.

Lu Shiqiu: hahaha, the lines in Arnold's heart at the moment... Compete with the king of special forces. Do I have cat disease?

Sheng Xicheng: Congratulations, brother five, sprinkle flowers! He doesn't have cat disease. He has dog disease. That's the kind of dog who likes to tear down his house. He doesn't like it on a safe day, so he likes to find stimulation.

Snow: knock on the blackboard, knock on the blackboard! The point is that the fifth brother is a father again, and we have two more little nephews. How can you be so funny on such a big and happy day?

Sheng Xicheng: it makes sense, @ brother Wu, is it two little nephews or one little nephew and one little niece?

After reporting his joy in the group, Gu Jun put down his mobile phone.

After chatting with Ye Xingbei, he listened to the phone ringing, opened the phone, scanned his eyes and replied: mother and son are safe.

Lu Shiqiu: hahaha, is it two little nephews or one little nephew? The IQ of a little niece is despised! If it is a little nephew and a little niece, the fifth brother will certainly send mother and daughter safe!

Chu Dingbang: that makes sense! The fifth brother looks forward to his daughter, and his eyes are green!

Joe Zui: that's red, not green, thank you!

Yun Jue: you will be alone with my cousin tomorrow. Brother Dingbang, I will follow you on the way.

Chu Dingbang: I am wronged! People say so. Brother Qiu is right. He has no culture. It's terrible!

Gu Yaozhi: Congratulations, brother five, sprinkle flowers! The red envelope is ready. When will brother five treat?

Gu Junzhu: full moon.

Lu Shiqiu: the red envelope is ready + 1.

Chu Dingbang: + 2.

Snow: + 3.

Shengxicheng: + 4.

Ning Huaijing: + 5.

Joe Zui: red envelope? Are you too stingy? At least you need a bank card?

Yunjue: our two treasures and three treasures like gold and most like BRICs. I don't believe you listen.

Soon, yunjue sent a few seconds of recording into the group.

Gu Jun clicked one by one, and Xie Mengmeng's little milk voice sounded: gold, really!

Soon, cloud Lord sent another paragraph.

Gu Jun opened it one by one again. This time it was Xiaojiang's voice: Hello, uncles. Er Bao and San Bao like BRICs. The more, the better!

Joe: Oh, my God! The sound is too milk. I want to hold it!

Ning Huaijing: want to steal!

Chu Dingbang: brother Jing, you steal it. Brother Wu's 400 meter long knife is ready.

Sheng Xicheng: isn't it forty meters long? Can you lift a 400 meter long knife?

Chu Dingbang: a 40 meter dagger belongs to ordinary people. Our fifth brother is not yet 30 years old. He is already the father of five sons. Do you think our fifth brother is ordinary?

Qiao Jieran: it makes sense! Brother five is definitely not an ordinary person! I don't have a girlfriend yet. My fifth brother already has five sons. My grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and seven aunts must read me to death tonight!

Ning Huaijing: + 1.

Chu Dingbang: + 2.

Shengxicheng: + 3.

Gu Jun swept the make complaints about them. The mobile phone was driven by their elders in Tucao. He stopped looking at them and moved them to the shaking mode and stuffed them into his pocket.

What about brothers? Just communicate once in a while. The most important thing is the wife and baby son!, the fastest update of the webnovel!