You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6749

"Dad, I don't want to be reborn," Gu Junzhu said. "It's too hard to have children, and it's hard to get pregnant. Moreover, having more children hurts your body."

"Who said that?" Mr. Gu said, "if you have too many children, it will hurt your health. You can give Beibei good health. Don't worry about money. Nutritionists, sister-in-law, and baby sitters can invite more. Let Beibei eat, drink, have a good rest, be carefree and happy every day, and ensure a long life."

Gu Junzhu: "... I understand, Dad. Anyway, you just fooled us to continue to live."

"If I don't deceive you, you won't have a baby?" the old man said happily: "you young people, you say you don't have a baby. You don't know when you're interested. You forget contraception and have it again. Do you let Beibei have an abortion? Isn't it more harmful to your body?"

Gu Junzhu: "

His father really knows everything.

And... It makes sense.

He and his wife have a good relationship. Sometimes when they feel deep and dizzy, they forget to take contraceptives.

He remembered.

It must be changed in the future!

Determined not to let his wife get pregnant again!

"When can Xiaozhu, Beibei and the children go home?" Mr. Gu said, "I have someone adjust the time for me. I have to go home to see my baby grandchildren."

"The child is not big. Beibei was born smoothly and didn't get a knife," Gu Junzhu said. "I can go home in about three days."

"The child is not big?" Mr. Gu immediately felt distressed. "Are my grandchildren all right? Why didn't you take a picture and send it to me?"

"The children are very healthy," Gu Junzhu said hurriedly. "As soon as the children come back from the bath, I'm busy reporting the good news to you. I'll take pictures of you later."

"OK," Mr. Gu said with a smile, "when it's convenient, show me a video."

It's not convenient for him to go to the hospital. Let him see his baby sun in the video.

"I see, Dad." Gu Jun hung up his cell phone one by one, went back to the ward, took some photos of the children, sent them to the old man, and then connected the video with the old man.

Ye Xingbei had just given birth to a child. It was inconvenient for the old man to see it. He deliberately avoided Ye Xingbei.

When the old man saw the two little guys smiling, he felt like he wanted to climb out of the screen and hug his baby grandchildren.

But he didn't look much. He said to Gu Junzhu, "don't quarrel with my grandson. Hang up. Remember to go back to the courtyard the day Beibei leaves the hospital."

Gu Junzhu promised and hung up his cell phone.

He didn't put away his mobile phone, directly opened his group, sent some photos of the children to the group, and then added the word: mother and son are safe.

Then he sent several red envelopes of the largest denomination.

Several red envelopes of the largest denomination don't have much money. It's a celebration.

Soon, everyone burst out and lined up to bubble.

Joe Jieran: Congratulations, brother five. Brother five has really become a five child. I'm still single. I've seriously delayed my brothers. I have no face to see my brothers. [manual dog head protection]

Lu Shiqiu: Congratulations, brother five! By the way, I despise upstairs. It's terrible to have no culture. Is this how to use Wuzi Dengke?

Joe Zui: Sprinkle flowers, sprinkle flowers! Two little cousins, or one little cousin, one little cousin?

Snow: Congratulations, brother five, sprinkle flowers! Two little nephews, or one little nephew and one little niece?, the fastest update of the webnovel!